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Synonyms for tells

Grammar : Verb
Spell : tel
Phonetic Transcription : tɛl

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Définition of tells

Origin :
  • Old English tellan "to reckon, calculate, consider, account," from Proto-Germanic *taljanan "to mention in order" (cf. Old Saxon tellian, Old Norse telja, Old Frisian tella "to count, tell," Dutch tellen "to count, reckon," Old Saxon talon "to count, reckon," Danish tale "to speak," Old High German zalon, German zählen "to count, reckon"), from root *talo (see tale). Meaning "to narrate, relate" is from c.1000; that of "to make known by speech or writing, announce" is from early 12c. Sense of "to reveal or disclose" is from c.1400; that of "to act as an informer, to 'peach' " is recorded from 1901. Meaning "to order (someone to do something)" is from 1590s. Original sense in teller and phrase to tell time. For sense evolution, cf. French conter "to count," raconter "to recount;" Italian contare, Spanish contar "to count, recount, narrate;" German zählen "to count," erzählen "to recount, narrate."
  • I tolde hyme so, & euer he seyde nay. [Thomas Hoccleve, "The Regiment of Princes," c.1412]
  • Telling "having effect or force" is from 1852.
  • verb communicate
  • verb narrate, describe
  • verb understand, discern
  • verb carry weight
  • verb calculate
Example sentences :
  • Phim sticks to it, too; tells me my peg is downright encouragement to the bacteria.
  • Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson
  • You do like I tells yer, or yer'll git yer eggercation wid a brick.
  • Extract from : « A Night Out » by Edward Peple
  • Grievously disordered they appear to be, as Hannah tells me.
  • Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 1 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson
  • He tells me of the patterns bespoken which my mother mentioned to me.'
  • Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 1 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson
  • Mrs. Elwood tells me that she informed the caretaker yesterday of our coming.
  • Extract from : « Grace Harlowe's Return to Overton Campus » by Jessie Graham Flower
  • For still, as she tells me, he speaks kind and praiseful things of me.
  • Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 1 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson
  • So the letter ran; and that tells volumes to the initiated about young Haskell.
  • Extract from : « Ester Ried Yet Speaking » by Isabella Alden
  • It is Lady Macbeth who plays this part; she tells Macbeth to "get some water,"
  • Extract from : « The Man Shakespeare » by Frank Harris
  • Milly tells me you've never been in the city before; that you are studying at Barnard.
  • Extract from : « The Bacillus of Beauty » by Harriet Stark
  • She will be down as soon as Katy tells her you're here, no doubt.
  • Extract from : « Her Father's Daughter » by Gene Stratton-Porter

Antonyms for tells

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