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Synonyms for spooked

Grammar : Verb
Spell : spook
Phonetic Transcription : spuk

Top 10 synonyms for spooked Other synonyms for the word spooked

Définition of spooked

Origin :
  • 1801, from Dutch spook, from Middle Dutch spooc "spook, ghost," from a common Germanic source (cf. German Spuk "ghost, apparition," Middle Low German spok "spook," Swedish spok "scarecrow," Norwegian spjok "ghost, specter," Danish spøg "joke"), of unknown origin. Possible outside connections include Lettish spigana "dragon, witch," spiganis "will o' the wisp," Lithuanian spingu, spingeti "to shine," Old Prussian spanksti "spark."
  • Meaning "undercover agent" is attested from 1942. The derogatory racial sense of "black person" is attested from 1940s, perhaps from notion of dark skin being difficult to see at night. Black pilots trained at Tuskegee Institute during World War II called themselves the Spookwaffe.
  • verb frighten, scare
Example sentences :
  • He spooked at imagined noises and thudding rain and the dry creaking of the old house as he toweled off and dressed.
  • Extract from : « Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town » by Cory Doctorow
  • Jed looked quickly at Cal when he told him how the colonists had spooked, bolted in panic.
  • Extract from : « Eight Keys to Eden » by Mark Irvin Clifton

Antonyms for spooked

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019