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Synonyms for shook up

Grammar : Verb
Spell : sheyk
Phonetic Transcription : ʃeɪk

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Définition of shook up

Origin :
  • Old English sceacan "move (something) quickly to and fro, brandish; move the body or a part of it rapidly back and forth;" also "go, glide, hasten, flee, depart" (cf. sceacdom "flight"); of persons or parts of the body, "to tremble" especially from fever, cold, fear" (class VI strong verb; past tense scoc, past participle scacen), from Proto-Germanic *skakanan (cf. Old Norse, Swedish skaka, Danish skage "to shift, turn, veer"). No certain cognates outside Germanic, but some suggest a possible connection to Sanskrit khaj "to agitate, churn, stir about," Old Church Slavonic skoku "a leap, bound," Welsh ysgogi "move."
  • Of the earth in earthquakes, c.1300. Meaning "seize and shake (someone or something else)" is from early 14c. In reference to mixing ingredients, etc., by shaking a container from late 14c. Meaning "to rid oneself of by abrupt twists" is from c.1200, also in Middle English in reference to evading responsibility, etc. Meaning "weaken, impair" is from late 14c., on notion of "make unstable."
  • To shake hands dates from 1530s. Shake a (loose) leg "hurry up" first recorded 1904; shake a heel (sometimes foot) was an old way to say "to dance" (1660s); to shake (one's) elbow (1620s) meant "to gamble at dice." Phrase more _____ than you can shake a stick at is attested from 1818, American English. To shake (one's) head as a sign of disapproval is recorded from c.1300.
  • verb upset, unsettle
Example sentences :
  • You never see a man so shook up by the nightmare as he was by that one.
  • Extract from : « The Depot Master » by Joseph C. Lincoln
  • Then she passed round to the other side and shook up the fire.
  • Extract from : « The Hound From The North » by Ridgwell Cullum
  • "Shook up, that's all," answered Sam, after rising to his feet.
  • Extract from : « The Rover Boys on the Farm » by Arthur M. Winfield (AKA Edward Stratemeyer)
  • Many of them were bruised and all were shook up, but they all made the deck.
  • Extract from : « The U-boat hunters » by James B. Connolly
  • I was so scared and shook up that I was afraid to sleep alone.
  • Extract from : « Mitch Miller » by Edgar Lee Masters
  • And when she shook up Carol's pillow she found it was very damp.
  • Extract from : « Prudence Says So » by Ethel Hueston
  • I saw that he himself was shook up, and it only needed that to scare me bad.
  • Extract from : « Joe Wilson and His Mates » by Henry Lawson
  • The fender shoved the ole man around some, but I reckon he only got shook up.
  • Extract from : « The Turmoil » by Booth Tarkington
  • He shook up its pillows, and bustled its business arrangements.
  • Extract from : « The English Novel » by George Saintsbury
  • Well, then, I guess you're some shook up; what you want's food, right now!
  • Extract from : « The Definite Object » by Jeffery Farnol

Antonyms for shook up

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