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Synonyms for re-mote
Grammar : Adj, adv, noun |
Spell : ri-moht |
Phonetic Transcription : rɪˈmoʊt |
Top 10 synonyms for re-mote Other synonyms for the word re-mote
- a good way
- a long way
- a piece
- abandoned
- abnormal
- aboriginal
- above
- abroad
- absent
- absent-minded
- absorbed
- abstemious
- abstract
- abstracted
- abstruse
- acicular
- aciculate
- acme
- acuteness
- adopted
- adversity
- afar
- after
- aged
- ahead
- airheaded
- alien
- alienated
- alone
- aloof
- ambiguous
- ancient
- anesthetized
- annoyed
- anomalous
- antagonistic
- antediluvian
- antipodal
- antiquated
- antisocial
- apart
- apart from
- apathetic
- apex
- apogee
- archaic
- arm's length
- around in circles
- arrogant
- as well as
- ascetic
- aseptic
- aside
- asleep
- asocial
- astray
- asunder
- at a distance
- austere
- autogenous
- away
- away from
- back
- back number
- backward
- backwoods
- barbarian
- barbaric
- bare
- bated
- been around
- before
- behind
- beleaguered
- bemused
- bending
- benumbed
- besides
- beyond
- beyond range
- beyond reach
- beyond the bounds
- bit
- bland
- blank
- blasé
- bleached
- blind
- blockaded
- blurred
- boondocks
- border
- bored
- bored stiff
- borrowed
- bound
- boundary
- breathless
- breezy
- brim
- brink
- bureaucratic
- buried
- bush
- businesslike
- butt
- bygone
- cabalistic
- callous
- candid
- careless
- cast-off
- casual
- celestial
- ceremonious
- chill
- chilly
- circuitous
- clear of
- clicker
- climax
- cloistered
- close
- closet
- cold
- cold fish
- cold turkey
- cold-blooded
- collected
- colorless
- comatose
- companionless
- comprehensive
- concealed
- condescending
- confidential
- confined
- conflicting
- confounding
- confusing
- consummation
- contented
- continued
- contrary
- cool
- cool cat
- could care less
- country
- cover
- covered
- covert
- creaky
- crisis
- crumbling
- cryptic
- cumbersome
- curious
- cursory
- curving
- cut off
- cynical
- dark
- dated
- daydreaming
- dazed
- dead
- deadened
- deadpan
- decayed
- deep
- deficient
- delicate
- demode
- depth
- derived
- deserted
- desolate
- detached
- detouring
- detrimental
- deviating
- devious
- different
- difficult
- digressing
- digressory
- dim
- dire straits
- disadvantageous
- disaster
- discommoding
- discommodious
- disconnected
- disinterested
- dismal
- dispassionate
- distant
- distracted
- distrait
- distressing
- disturbing
- diverting
- docile
- domestic
- done
- doubtful
- down home
- dragging
- drawn out
- drawn-out
- dreaming
- dreamy
- dubious
- dull
- dusty
- early
- easygoing
- edge
- egotistic
- elderly
- elitist
- elongate
- elongated
- elusive
- embarrassing
- emotionless
- empty
- end
- end of rainbow
- endogenous
- enduring
- engrossed
- enigmatic
- enlarged
- equal
- equitable
- equivocal
- eremetic
- eremitic
- errant
- erratic
- erstwhile
- esoteric
- estranged
- even-handed
- exasperating
- exceptional
- excess
- exclusive
- excursive
- exiled
- exoteric
- exotic
- expanded
- expatriate
- extensive
- exterior
- external
- extralocal
- extraneous
- extraordinary
- extreme
- extremes
- extrinsic
- faded
- faint
- fair
- faltering
- fantastic
- far
- far away
- far back
- far off
- far piece
- far-extending
- far-fetched
- far-flung
- far-going
- far-off
- far-out
- far-reaching
- far-removed
- far-spread
- far-stretched
- faraway
- farfetched
- farther
- fat
- feeble
- few miles on
- fixed
- flat
- flexuous
- folksy
- foreign
- forgetful
- forgotten
- forlorn
- formal
- former
- formerly
- forsaken
- fossil
- fragile
- frail
- free of
- friendless
- frigid
- fringe
- from abroad
- frontier
- frozen
- frugal
- fruitless
- further
- furthermost
- futile
- gangling
- garbage
- gentle
- glacial
- global
- gloomy
- god-knows-where
- godforsaken
- going nowhere
- going through motions
- gone
- good way off
- good ways
- goofing off
- gracile
- great
- guarded
- gut
- hackneyed
- halcyon
- hard-hearted
- haughty
- hazy
- head in the clouds
- heartless
- heedless
- height
- hence
- hermetic
- hermitical
- hermitlike
- hesitant
- hidden
- high
- high-and-mighty
- high-flown
- high-hat
- hoarse
- hoary
- home
- homey
- hostile
- humble
- hushed
- hyper
- icy
- ill-defined
- immaterial
- immemorial
- immigrant
- immobilized
- immovable
- impartial
- impassable
- impassive
- imperceptible
- impersonal
- impertinent
- impervious
- implausible
- implied
- imported
- impotent
- impracticable
- improbable
- impudent
- in a backwater
- in addition to
- in advance of
- in cold blood
- in the background
- in the boonies
- in the distance
- in the sticks
- in vicious circle
- in-house
- inaccessible
- inaccurate
- inactive
- inane
- inapplicable
- inapposite
- inapproachable
- inappropriate
- inappurtenant
- inapropos
- inapt
- inattentive
- inaudible
- incog
- incognito
- incommodious
- incommunicado
- incompatible
- inconceivable
- incongruous
- inconscient
- inconsequent
- inconsequential
- inconsiderable
- inconsistent
- inconspicuous
- inconvenient
- incredible
- incurious
- indifferent
- indirect
- indistinct
- individual
- ineffective
- ineffectual
- inexpedient
- informal
- inglorious
- inhuman
- inimical
- inland
- inner
- innermost
- inopportune
- insensate
- insensible
- insentient
- inside
- insignificant
- insociable
- insolent
- insouciant
- insubstantial
- insufficient
- insular
- insurmountable
- interior
- internal
- intimate
- introspective
- introverted
- invisible
- inward
- irrelative
- irrelevant
- irritating
- isolate
- isolated
- just watching the clock
- lackadaisical
- laid back
- laid-back
- lank
- lanky
- last
- lasting
- late
- lean
- lengthened
- lengthy
- lenient
- lethargic
- level
- light
- lingering
- lissome
- listless
- lithe
- lithesome
- little
- little known
- lofty
- lone
- lonely
- lonesome
- long
- long way off
- long-drawn-out
- longish
- loose
- lorn
- lost
- lost in thought
- lot of mileage
- low
- low-pitched
- low-pressure
- lowly
- lukewarm
- margin
- marginal
- matter-of-fact
- maximum
- meager
- meaningless
- meek
- mellow
- middle of nowhere
- mild
- miles
- minor
- minute
- misanthropic
- miserable
- misleading
- moderate
- modest
- mooning
- moony
- more remote
- moreover
- moth-eaten
- motionless
- muffled
- murmuring
- muted
- muttering
- mysterious
- nadir
- nameless
- narrow
- needle in haystack
- negative
- neglected
- negligible
- neutral
- new
- nondiscriminatory
- nonemotional
- nongermane
- nongregarious
- nonnative
- nonpartisan
- nonresident
- nonsensical
- not at hand
- not connected with
- not domestic
- not germane
- not giving a damn
- not here
- not home
- not likely
- not native
- not pertaining to
- not pertinent
- not present
- not under consideration
- novel
- nowhere
- numbed
- objective
- oblivious
- obscure
- obscured
- obsolete
- odd
- of old
- of yore
- off
- off beaten track
- off the beaten path
- off the beaten track
- off the mark
- off the point
- off the topic
- off-lying
- off-target
- offended
- offhand
- offish
- offshore
- old as Methuselah
- old as the hills
- old goat
- old-fashioned
- old-time
- olden
- older
- oldfangled
- oldie
- on ice
- on the far side
- on the other side
- on treadmill
- once
- onetime
- only
- opposed
- oracular
- original
- orphic
- ostentatious
- otherwhere
- out in space
- out of earshot
- out of it
- out of order
- out of place
- out of range
- out of reach
- out of the ordinary
- out of the way
- out to lunch
- out-of-date
- out-of-the-way
- outer
- outermost
- outlandish
- outlying
- outmoded
- outmost
- outside
- outside chance
- outstretched
- outward
- over
- over and above
- over there
- overbearing
- overlong
- overseas
- pacific
- padded
- pale
- paltry
- paralyzed
- particular
- passé
- past
- patronizing
- peculiar
- perfunctory
- peripheral
- persnickety
- personal
- pestiferous
- petty
- phlegmatic
- piano
- piddling
- piece
- pinnacle
- pipe dreaming
- placid
- plain
- plight
- pococurante
- pointless
- poker face
- poker-faced
- pole
- pompous
- poor
- powerless
- prejudicial
- preoccupied
- pretentious
- primal
- primeval
- primitive
- primordial
- pristine
- private
- privy
- procacious
- prolonged
- protracted
- proud
- purportless
- purposeless
- push-button control
- put on airs
- putting on airs
- quarantined
- questionable
- quiet
- quondam
- rambling
- random
- rangy
- rare
- rebarbative
- recluse
- reclusive
- recondite
- relic
- remarkable
- remote
- removed
- reserved
- restful
- restrained
- reticent
- retired
- retiring
- retreated
- rim
- romanesque
- romantic
- roundabout
- running
- rural
- rusty
- scant
- scanty
- scarce
- scatterbrained
- screened
- secluded
- secluse
- seclusive
- secondary
- secret
- secretive
- sedate
- segregated
- seldom seen
- selfish
- senseless
- separate
- sequestered
- serene
- serpentine
- setback
- shadowy
- short
- shrinking
- shrouded
- shut off
- shy
- sidereal
- silent
- silly
- single
- singular
- skinny
- slender
- slight
- slim
- small
- smooth
- sniffy
- snippy
- snobby
- snooty
- snotty
- so-and-so
- soft
- softened
- sole
- solitary
- solo
- sometime
- somewhere
- somewhere else
- soothing
- space cadet
- spaced-out
- spacey
- spacious
- spare
- sparse
- special
- spindling
- spread out
- spun out
- stable
- stag
- stagnant
- staid
- stale
- standoff
- standoffish
- stellar
- stellular
- stiff
- stifled
- still
- stolid
- stone's throw
- stony-eyed
- straight
- stranded
- strange
- straying
- stretch
- stretched
- stretching
- strictly business
- stringy
- stuck up
- stuck-up
- stupefied
- stupid
- stuporous
- subdued
- subsequently
- such-and-such
- superannuated
- supercilious
- superficial
- superior
- superior to
- surface
- surroundings
- sustained
- svelte
- swanky
- taciturn
- tall
- telescopic
- tenuous
- terminal
- termination
- terminus
- thick-skinned
- thin
- time-worn
- timeworn
- timorous
- tip
- tiresome
- toneless
- tony
- took
- top
- torpid
- tortuous
- towering
- traditional
- tranquil
- transoceanic
- trifling
- trim
- trivial
- trouble
- troublesome
- tucked away
- turned off
- twisting
- unaccompanied
- unaccustomed
- unachievable
- unanxious
- unapprehended
- unapproachable
- unapt
- unascertained
- unattainable
- unattended
- unavailable
- unavailing
- unaware of events
- unbelievable
- unbiased
- uncelebrated
- uncharted
- unclear
- uncolored
- uncommitted
- uncommon
- uncommunicative
- uncompanionable
- unconcerned
- unconnected
- unconscious
- unconvincing
- uncurious
- undemonstrative
- under cover
- under wraps
- undisclosed
- undiscovered
- undistinguished
- undisturbed
- undivulged
- unemotional
- unenthusiastic
- unessential
- unexcited
- unexpected
- unexplained
- unexplored
- unexpressed
- unfamiliar
- unfashionable
- unfeasible
- unfeeling
- unforthcoming
- unfrequented
- unfriendly
- unfussy
- ungettable
- unhandy
- unheard-of
- unheeding
- unhonored
- unidentified
- unimaginable
- unimpassioned
- unimportant
- uninhabited
- uninterested
- uninteresting
- uninvestigated
- uninvolved
- unique
- unknown
- unlikely
- unmanageable
- unmapped
- unmindful
- unnamed
- unnecessary
- unnoted
- unobservant
- unobtainable
- unoriginal
- unpassioned
- unperceived
- unprejudiced
- unproductive
- unprofitable
- unreachable
- unrealizable
- unrecognized
- unrelated
- unrenowned
- unresponsive
- unrevealed
- unruffled
- unsaid
- unseasonable
- unseen
- unselfish
- unsettled
- unsociable
- unsocial
- unsuitable
- unsuited
- unsung
- unthinking
- untimely
- untold
- untoward
- untried
- untroubled
- untypical
- unusual
- unwelcoming
- unwieldy
- unworkable
- uppish
- uppity
- useless
- vague
- vain
- venerable
- verge
- vertex
- vexatious
- vexing
- visceral
- viscerous
- visionary
- wan
- wandering
- wanting
- ways
- weak
- weary
- whispered
- wicked
- wide of
- wide-extending
- wide-ranging
- wide-reaching
- wide-stretching
- widely distributed
- widespread
- wild
- wilderness
- willowy
- wiry
- wispy
- with straight face
- withdrawn
- within
- without
- without end
- without reference
- woolgathering
- worn-out
- worse for wear
- worthless
- X
- yon
- yonder
- zenith
Définition of re-mote
Origin :- mid-15c., from Middle French remot or directly from Latin remotus "afar off, remote, distant in place," past participle of removere "move back or away" (see remove (v.)). Related: Remotely; remoteness. Remote control "fact of controlling from a distance" is recorded from 1904; as a device which allows this from 1920.
- As in inaccessible : adj out of reach
- As in inapplicable : adj not relevant
- As in inconvenient : adj bothersome, troublesome
- As in interior : adj inside, central
- As in irrelevant : adj beside the point
- As in isolated : adj unique; private
- As in absentee : adj not being present
- As in absent-minded : adj out to lunch
- As in lonely : adj out-of-the-way
- As in long : adj extended in space or time
- As in negligible : adj insignificant
- As in numb : adj deadened, insensitive
- As in obscure : adj out-of-the-way, little-known
- As in old : adj obsolete, outdated
- As in outer : adj external, exposed
- As in outermost : adj outer
- As in out of the way : adj secluded
- As in outside : adj slight, slim
- As in abstracted : adj preoccupied
- As in pointless : adj ridiculous, senseless
- As in quiet : adj calm, peaceful
- As in remote : adj out-of-the-way; in the distance
- As in remote : adj irrelevant, unrelated
- As in remote : adj unlikely, improbable
- As in remote : adj cold, detached; unapproachable
- As in secluded : adj isolated, sheltered
- As in slender/slim : adj inadequate, flimsy
- As in slight : adj insignificant, small
- As in snobbish : adj stuck-up, conceited
- As in solitary : adj alone, single; unsociable
- As in standoffish : adj cold, distant
- As in strange : adj exotic, foreign
- As in ulterior : adj secret; pertaining to a hidden goal
- As in unapproachable : adj unfriendly
- As in unapproachable : adj difficult to get to
- As in uncharted : adj unknown
- As in unfamiliar : adj different, strange
- As in uninterested : adj oblivious to
- As in unknown : adj obscure, mysterious
- As in unlikely : adj not probable
- As in wide : adj off-course
- As in withdrawn : adj unsociable
- As in bothersome : adj troubling
- As in removed : adj distant
- As in astral : adj starlike
- As in out-of-the-way : adj distant
- As in casual : adj nonchalant, relaxed in manner
- As in removed : adj faraway
- As in slender : adj thin
- As in far-off : adj distant
- As in inapproachable : adj inaccessible
- As in incommodious : adj inconvenient
- As in incurious : adj detached
- As in inlying : adj inner
- As in obscured : adj ulterior
- As in offish : adj cool
- As in olden : adj old
- As in overlong : adj long
- As in protracted : adj long
- As in screened : adj secluded
- As in unattainable : adj inaccessible
- As in undemonstrative : adj cool
- As in unreachable : adj inaccessible
- As in uppish : adj snobbish
- As in detached : adj aloof, disinterested; neutral
- As in devious : adj crooked; indirect
- As in disinterested : adj detached, uninvolved
- As in distant : adj faraway
- As in distant : adj aloof
- As in alien : adj foreign
- As in emotionless : adj unfeeling, undemonstrative
- As in faint : adj having little effect on senses
- As in far : adj at a great distance
- As in far-flung : adj widespread
- As in foreign : adj from another country, experience
- As in ancient : adj old, often very old
- As in glacial : adj unfriendly
- As in godforsaken : adj desolate
- As in antisocial : adj nonparticipating; avoiding company
- As in impersonal : adj cold, unfriendly
- As in beyond : adv further; outside limits
- As in yonder : adv faraway
- As in afar : adv a great distance away
- As in elsewhere : adv in another place
- As in : noun at a distance to exclude intimacy
- As in remote control : noun handheld control
- As in outback : noun back country
- As in extremity : noun ultimate; limit
Antonyms for re-mote
- abbreviated
- able
- abridged
- accepting
- accessible
- accompanied
- adequate
- adjacent
- agitated
- aid
- aiding
- akin
- alert
- amicable
- apparent
- applicable
- approachable
- appropriate
- artless
- attached
- attentive
- aware
- bare
- base
- befriended
- beginning
- believable
- beneficial
- benevolent
- biased
- big
- blessing
- boisterous
- bold
- boon
- bottom
- brave
- bright
- business
- caring
- center
- central
- certain
- characteristic
- cherished
- chubby
- clamorous
- clear
- close
- colorful
- combined
- commencement
- common
- compassionate
- complex
- complicated
- concerned
- confident
- connected
- consequential
- contemporary
- convenient
- coupled
- courageous
- cramped
- credible
- current
- definite
- deliberate
- demonstrative
- direct
- distinct
- distinguished
- easy
- effective
- emotional
- energetic
- engaged
- enthusiastic
- ephemeral
- essential
- established
- evanescent
- excited
- experienced
- explicit
- exposed
- expressed
- exterior
- external
- extroverted
- familiar
- famous
- fat
- feeling
- firm
- fleeting
- formal
- frank
- frequented
- fresh
- friendly
- fruitful
- fun-loving
- general
- generous
- gentle
- good
- good fortune
- good luck
- graceful
- great
- handy
- harmonious
- harsh
- healthy
- heavy
- help
- helpful
- honest
- hot
- humble
- identified
- ignorant
- ignored
- imaginable
- important
- included
- incorporated
- informal
- inhabited
- inner
- inside
- intelligent
- interested
- interior
- internal
- intricate
- involved
- joining
- kind
- knowing
- known
- large
- left
- liberal
- likely
- limited
- linked
- little
- lively
- local
- loud
- loved
- low
- major
- meaningful
- merged
- middle
- mingling
- minimum
- modern
- named
- narrow
- national
- native
- near
- nearby
- necessary
- needed
- neighboring
- new
- nice
- noisy
- normal
- obtrusive
- obvious
- on-course
- open
- opening
- ordinary
- outer
- outgoing
- outside
- overt
- overweight
- painstaking
- partial
- participating
- passionate
- peace
- perceptible
- personable
- personal
- pertinent
- plain
- planned
- plausible
- plump
- pointed
- populated
- possible
- potent
- prejudiced
- premeditated
- present
- probable
- probably
- productive
- profitable
- proper
- prosperity
- public
- reachable
- reasonable
- recent
- regular
- related
- relevant
- resolute
- responsive
- restricted
- revealed
- rough
- seen
- sensible
- sensitive
- serious
- sharp
- short
- significant
- small
- smart
- sociable
- socializing
- soft
- standard
- start
- stated
- straight
- straightforward
- strong
- subjective
- substantial
- success
- sufficient
- suitable
- sure
- sympathetic
- tall
- tenable
- thick
- together
- troubled
- trustworthy
- truthful
- unbreakable
- unconcealed
- uncontrolled
- uncovered
- understood
- unimportant
- united
- unlonely
- unmysterious
- unreserved
- untired
- untroubling
- up-to-date
- upset
- useful
- usual
- valuable
- versed
- violent
- visible
- warm
- weak
- welcoming
- wide
- wild
- wise
- worthwhile
- young
- youthful
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019