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Synonyms for re-minder
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : ri-mahyn-der |
Phonetic Transcription : rɪˈmaɪn dər |
Top 10 synonyms for re-minder Other synonyms for the word re-minder
- action
- adumbration
- advancement
- agenda
- allusion
- amulet
- angle
- annotation
- announcement
- annual
- archaism
- archives
- arms
- association
- attestation
- attribute
- augury
- auspice
- autosuggestion
- banner
- bid
- big idea
- bit
- blue ribbon
- body language
- booty
- bow
- brainchild
- brand
- breath
- cairn
- calendar
- catchword
- cenotaph
- ceremony
- character
- charge
- charm
- chit
- chronology
- citation
- clue
- coat of arms
- collectibles
- colophon
- colors
- column
- comic book
- commemoration
- commendation
- comment
- commentary
- communication
- concept
- connotation
- crown
- cue
- cup
- curio
- curiosity
- curtsy
- daily
- datum
- daybook
- declaration
- decoration
- definition
- demonstration
- denotation
- design
- device
- diary
- directive
- dispatch
- earnest
- emblem
- entry
- epistle
- erection
- evidence
- exhortation
- explanation
- expression
- fantasy
- favor
- feeler
- figure
- fishing question
- flag
- flea in ear
- footstone
- forewarning
- fragment
- game plan
- gazette
- genuflection
- gesticulation
- gesture
- gift
- gimmick
- glimmering
- gloss
- gold
- gold star
- gravestone
- guerdon
- hallmark
- headstone
- heirloom
- help
- high sign
- hint
- hot lead
- idea
- identification
- image
- implication
- impress
- impression
- in the wind
- index
- indication
- indicia
- indirect question
- inference
- information
- injunction
- inkling
- innuendo
- inscription
- insignia
- insinuation
- instruction
- intimation
- invitation
- iota
- job
- jog
- jolt
- jotting
- journal
- keepsake
- keepsakes
- key
- kinesics
- laurels
- lead
- leader
- ledger
- letter
- line
- log
- logo
- magazine
- magnum opus
- manifestation
- marginalia
- mark
- marker
- masterpiece
- mausoleum
- medal
- memento
- memo
- memoir
- memorandum
- memorial
- mention
- message
- mime
- miniature
- minute
- minutes
- missive
- mnemonic
- monogram
- monolith
- monthly
- monument
- motion
- motto
- newspaper
- nod
- notation
- note
- notice
- notion
- obelisk
- obiter dictum
- observation
- omen
- opinion
- organ
- outline
- overtone
- palm
- pantomime
- paper
- pawn
- pennant
- periodical
- picture
- pile
- pillar
- pitch
- plaque
- pledge
- pointer
- portent
- poser
- preamble
- prefiguration
- presage
- present
- presentation
- prize
- prod
- proffer
- prognostic
- prolegomenon
- prompt
- prompting
- proof
- proposal
- proposition
- publication
- rag
- recommendation
- record
- reference
- regalia
- register
- relic
- relics
- remains
- remark
- remembrance
- remembrancer
- remembrances
- reminder
- reminders
- reminiscence
- remnant
- representation
- residue
- resolution
- review
- reward
- ribbon
- ruins
- salute
- sample
- scandal sheet
- scent
- scepter
- scheme
- scrap
- scratch
- scrawl
- scribble
- seal
- security
- self-suggestion
- setup
- shade
- shadow
- shaft
- show
- shrine
- shrug
- sign
- sign language
- signal
- significant
- signification
- signifier
- slab
- smack
- smattering
- sneaking suspicion
- soupçon
- souvenir
- souvenirs
- spoils
- spur
- standard
- statement
- statue
- steer
- stele
- stimulus
- stone
- strain
- streak
- stumper
- submission
- suggest
- suggestion
- summary
- survival
- suspicion
- symbol
- symbolism
- symbolization
- symbology
- symptom
- tablet
- tabloid
- talisman
- taste
- telltale
- tender
- testament
- testimonial
- thank-you
- thesis
- thought
- tickler
- tinge
- tip
- tip-off
- token
- tokens
- tomb
- tombstone
- tower
- trace
- trademark
- trial balloon
- tribute
- trick question
- trinket
- trophies
- trophy
- twit
- type
- undertone
- vein
- vestige
- vision
- warning
- warrant
- wave
- weekly
- whiff
- whisper
- wind
- wink
- witness
- word
- word to wise
- wrinkle
Définition of re-minder
Origin :- "something which reminds," 1650s, agent noun from remind.
- As in indication : noun evidence, clue
- As in intimation : noun clue, hint
- As in journal : noun chronicle
- As in keepsake : noun something precious
- As in memento : noun souvenir
- As in memorabilia : noun mementos
- As in memorandum/memo : noun written note
- As in memorial : noun monument, testimonial in honor, praise
- As in memory : noun specific thing remembered
- As in monument : noun memorial, remembrance
- As in note/notes : noun written communication
- As in prompt : noun hint
- As in relic : noun something saved from the past
- As in remembrance : noun gift, testimonial
- As in reminder : noun warning, notice; keepsake
- As in souvenir : noun keepsake from event
- As in suggestion : noun advice, plan
- As in suggestion : noun hint, implication
- As in token : noun indication, remembrance
- As in trophy : noun physical award
- As in leading question : noun suggestive question
- As in memorandum : noun note
- As in phylactery : noun scripture container
- As in gesticulation : noun gesture
- As in memo : noun note
- As in cue : noun signal to act
- As in emblem : noun crest
- As in gesture : noun motion as communication
- As in hint : noun indication; suggestion
Antonyms for re-minder
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019