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Synonyms for re-awakens

Grammar : Verb
Spell : uh-wey-kuh n
Phonetic Transcription : əˈweɪ kən

Top 10 synonyms for re-awakens Other synonyms for the word re-awakens

Définition of re-awakens

Origin :
  • Old English awæcnan (intransitive), "to spring into being, arise, originate," also, less often, "to wake up;" earlier onwæcnan, from a- (1) "on" + wæcnan (see waken). Transitive meaning "to rouse from sleep" is recorded from 1510s; figurative sense of "to stir up, rouse to activity" is from c.1600.
  • Originally strong declension (past tense awoc, past participle awacen), already in Old English it was confused with awake (v.) and a weak past tense awæcnede (modern awakened) emerged and has since become the accepted form, with awoke and awoken transferred to awake. Subtle shades of distinction determine the use of awake or awaken in modern English. Related: Awakening.
  • As in regenerate : verb breathe new life into
  • As in renew : verb start over; refurbish
  • As in reproduce : verb make more copies of
  • As in re-create : verb renew
  • As in reanimate : verb revive
  • As in reawaken : verb revive
  • As in recondition : verb renew
  • As in resurrect : verb revive
  • As in revitalize : verb revive
  • As in revivify : verb revive
Example sentences :
  • At last the angels cast the monk down from the height and he re-awakens to life.
  • Extract from : « Woman under Monasticism » by Lina Eckenstein
  • I happen to take up a periodical; my eyes chance to light upon a name, whose sound, long forgotten, re-awakens old memories.
  • Extract from : « Simon Eichelkatz; The Patriarch » by Ulrich Frank

Antonyms for re-awakens

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019