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Synonyms for rang up

Grammar : Verb
Spell : ring
Phonetic Transcription : rɪŋ

Top 10 synonyms for rang up Other synonyms for the word rang up

Définition of rang up

Origin :
  • "circular band," Old English hring "small circlet, especially one of metal for wearing on the finger or as part of a mail coat; anything circular," from Proto-Germanic *khrengaz (cf. Old Norse hringr, Old Frisian hring, Danish, Swedish, Dutch ring, Old High German hring, German Ring), literally "something curved," from PIE *skrengh- nasalized form of (s)kregh-, from root *(s)ker- "to turn, bend," with wide-ranging derivative senses (cf. Latin curvus "bent, curved," crispus "curly;" Old Church Slavonic kragu "circle," and perhaps Greek kirkos "ring," koronos "curved").
  • Other Old English senses were "circular group of persons," also "horizon." Meaning "place for prize fight and wrestling bouts" (early 14c.) is from the space in a circle of bystanders in the midst of which such contests once were held, "... a circle formed for boxers, wrestlers, and cudgel players, by a man styled Vinegar; who, with his hat before his eyes, goes round the circle, striking at random with his whip to prevent the populace from crowding in" [Grose, 1788]. Meaning "combination of interested persons" is from 1829. Of trees, from 1670s; fairy ring is from 1620s. Ring finger is Old English hringfingr, a compound found in other Germanic languages. To run rings round (someone) "be superior to" is from 1891.
  • Nursery rhyme ring a ring a rosie is attested in an American form (with a different ending) from c.1790. "The belief that the rhyme originated with the Great Plague is now almost universal, but has no evidence to support it and is almost certainly nonsense" ["Oxford Dictionary of English Folklore"]. This proposal of connection dates only to the late 1960s.
  • As in telephone : verb communicate through telephone system
  • As in total : verb add up
  • As in call : verb arrange meeting
  • As in phone : verb telephone
  • As in communicate : verb give or exchange information, ideas
Example sentences :
  • The next day he rang up and asked if I wished for another sitting.
  • Extract from : « An Onlooker in France 1917-1919 » by William Orpen
  • And Terry—the night the Giant Agong rang up there—we most went crazy!
  • Extract from : « Terry » by Charles Goff Thomson
  • So, for the third time, Brett rang up the exchange to get in touch with Paris.
  • Extract from : « The Albert Gate Mystery » by Louis Tracy
  • The man went to the telephone and rang up the bottom office.
  • Extract from : « Sons and Lovers » by David Herbert Lawrence
  • They settled that he was dead, and rang up the doctor, who agreed with them.
  • Extract from : « Miss Mapp » by Edward Frederic Benson
  • With this determination, he rang up the residence of Mrs. Oldham.
  • Extract from : « The Silver Butterfly » by Mrs. Wilson Woodrow
  • He went to the library and rang up Sharpe & Smith on the telephone.
  • Extract from : « The King of Diamonds » by Louis Tracy
  • One evening she rang up David, and gave him a bad five minutes.
  • Extract from : « The Following of the Star » by Florence L. Barclay
  • Then I rang up Rayner on the telephone as I had made arrangement to do.
  • Extract from : « The Place of Dragons » by William Le Queux
  • Then she rang up this place and tried to get hold of Grayle—'Mrs. O'Rane.
  • Extract from : « Sonia Married » by Stephen McKenna

Antonyms for rang up

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