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Synonyms for ran through

Grammar : Verb
Spell : ruhn
Phonetic Transcription : rʌn

Top 10 synonyms for ran through Other synonyms for the word ran through

Définition of ran through

Origin :
  • the modern verb is a merger of two related Old English words, in both of which the first letters sometimes switched places. The first is intransitive rinnan, irnan "to run, flow, run together" (past tense ran, past participle runnen), cognate with (cf. Middle Dutch runnen, Old Saxon, Old High German, Gothic rinnan, German rinnen "to flow, run").
  • The second is Old English transitive weak verb ærnan, earnan "ride, run to, reach, gain by running" (probably a metathesis of *rennan), from Proto-Germanic *rannjanan, causative of the root *ren- "to run." This is cognate with Old Saxon renian, Old High German rennen, German rennen, Gothic rannjan.
  • Both are from PIE *ri-ne-a-, nasalized form of root *reie- "to flow, run" (see Rhine).
  • Of streams, etc., from c.1200; of machinery, from 1560s. Meaning "be in charge of" is first attested 1861, originally American English. Meaning "seek office in an election" is from 1826, American English. Phrase run for it "take flight" is attested from 1640s. Many figurative uses are from horseracing or hunting (e.g. to run (something) into the ground, 1836, American English).
  • To run across "meet" is attested from 1855, American English. To run short "exhaust one's supply" is from 1752; to run out of in the same sense is from 1713. To run around with "consort with" is from 1887. Run away "flee in the face of danger" is from late 14c. To run late is from 1954.
  • verb use up; waste
Example sentences :
  • He ran through the unkempt garden, and was quickly at the door.
  • Extract from : « The Dare Boys of 1776 » by Stephen Angus Cox
  • But Page perceived the tremor of battle that ran through her.
  • Extract from : « The Coryston Family » by Mrs. Humphry Ward
  • As it was, there ran through the town an undercurrent of puzzled suspicion.
  • Extract from : « Ruggles of Red Gap » by Harry Leon Wilson
  • The answer was quickly given and ran through the column from front to rear.
  • Extract from : « The Downfall » by Emile Zola
  • He did not even seek to account for the strange shudder that ran through him.
  • Extract from : « Therese Raquin » by Emile Zola
  • He ran through all the list of his acquaintance, and could not place them.
  • Extract from : « Murder Point » by Coningsby Dawson
  • She ran through the passage and threw open the kitchen door.
  • Extract from : « A Son of Hagar » by Sir Hall Caine
  • It ran through the kitchen and then straight out the front door.
  • Extract from : « Collection » by Daniel Errico
  • At full speed they ran through several courts and apartments.
  • Extract from : « The Cat of Bubastes » by G. A. Henty
  • He went to his own hotel and for an hour ran through the pages of his blue book.
  • Extract from : « Mixed Faces » by Roy Norton

Antonyms for ran through

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