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Synonyms for ran away

Grammar : Verb
Spell : ruhn
Phonetic Transcription : rʌn

Top 10 synonyms for ran away Other synonyms for the word ran away

Définition of ran away

Origin :
  • the modern verb is a merger of two related Old English words, in both of which the first letters sometimes switched places. The first is intransitive rinnan, irnan "to run, flow, run together" (past tense ran, past participle runnen), cognate with (cf. Middle Dutch runnen, Old Saxon, Old High German, Gothic rinnan, German rinnen "to flow, run").
  • The second is Old English transitive weak verb ærnan, earnan "ride, run to, reach, gain by running" (probably a metathesis of *rennan), from Proto-Germanic *rannjanan, causative of the root *ren- "to run." This is cognate with Old Saxon renian, Old High German rennen, German rennen, Gothic rannjan.
  • Both are from PIE *ri-ne-a-, nasalized form of root *reie- "to flow, run" (see Rhine).
  • Of streams, etc., from c.1200; of machinery, from 1560s. Meaning "be in charge of" is first attested 1861, originally American English. Meaning "seek office in an election" is from 1826, American English. Phrase run for it "take flight" is attested from 1640s. Many figurative uses are from horseracing or hunting (e.g. to run (something) into the ground, 1836, American English).
  • To run across "meet" is attested from 1855, American English. To run short "exhaust one's supply" is from 1752; to run out of in the same sense is from 1713. To run around with "consort with" is from 1887. Run away "flee in the face of danger" is from late 14c. To run late is from 1954.
  • As in scatter : verb strew, disperse
  • As in skip : verb avoid, miss
  • As in break away : verb depart
  • As in absquatulate : verb escape
  • As in lam : verb escape
  • As in decamp : verb depart suddenly
  • As in escape : verb break away from
  • As in get out : verb escape
  • As in go : verb advance, proceed physically
Example sentences :
  • I gave him my carpetbag to carry this morning, and he ran away with it.
  • Extract from : « Brave and Bold » by Horatio Alger
  • Ben not being willing to go so far from his wife, ran away from his master.
  • Extract from : « Biography of a Slave » by Charles Thompson
  • And Otto ran away barely in time to catch the groom, who was going for the hay.
  • Extract from : « Rico and Wiseli » by Johanna Spyri
  • And with that she ran away from the door where I stood, and I came directly home.
  • Extract from : « The Bacillus of Beauty » by Harriet Stark
  • Then she ran away and would not play "I spy" or "Tig" any more.
  • Extract from : « The Foolish Lovers » by St. John G. Ervine
  • I was ten times more angry than when Crawley ran away with my wife.
  • Extract from : « Tales And Novels, Volume 4 (of 10) » by Maria Edgeworth
  • "The jaunting car it was that ran away with her," says Judy.
  • Extract from : « Tales And Novels, Volume 4 (of 10) » by Maria Edgeworth
  • He tried to shake it off, then ran away through the bushes trailing it.
  • Extract from : « The Biography of a Grizzly » by Ernest Seton-Thompson
  • He then ran away with her, and back to his own daddy's cave.
  • Extract from : « Welsh Fairy Tales » by William Elliott Griffis
  • That night a slave and his wife, belonging to the place, ran away to the enemy.
  • Extract from : « The Cavalier » by George Washington Cable

Antonyms for ran away

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019