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Synonyms for provable
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : proov |
Phonetic Transcription : pruv |
Définition of provable
Origin :- late 14c., "approvable;" c.1400, "that can be proved," from Old French provable, from prover (see prove (v.)).
- adj inferable
- For the matter of that, none of them had any provable claim upon beauty.
- Extract from : « Local Color » by Irvin S. Cobb
- It does not mean that any Church could have disciplined them for provable sins.
- Extract from : « The Expositor's Bible: The Epistle to the Philippians » by Robert Rainy
- And more, it is a provable fact that only a portion of the coal measures is left.
- Extract from : « Town Geology » by Charles Kingsley
- The other judgment illustrates the logic of correct, provable premises.
- Extract from : « Applied Psychology for Nurses » by Mary F. Porter
- The point, in fact, which I wish now to notice is rather a matter of common observation than a provable and measurable phenomenon.
- Extract from : « Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death » by Frederick W. H. Myers
- The statement was made without spirit, as one of simple, provable fact.
- Extract from : « Linda Lee, Incorporated » by Louis Joseph Vance
- Only such debts are provable as existed at the time of filing the petition.
- Extract from : « Putnam's Handy Law Book for the Layman » by Albert Sidney Bolles
- For years I have used my nose to smell with, Have I then really a provable right to it?
- Extract from : « The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens » by Georg Jellinek
- Claims for tort are not provable, that is, claims for injuries to person or property not arising out of contact.
- Extract from : « Commercial Law » by Samuel Williston, Richard D. Currier, and Richard W. Hill
- But a judgment for tort, obtained before the filing of the petition, is provable.
- Extract from : « Commercial Law » by Samuel Williston, Richard D. Currier, and Richard W. Hill
Words or expressions associated with your search
- access-provider
- access provider
- agent-provocateur
- agent provocateur
- approval
- approve
- approved
- approving
- day-care provider
- day care provider
- disapproval
- disapprove
- disapproved
- disapprover
- disapproving
- disapprovingly
- disprove
- easily provoked
- gave stamp approval give go-ahead
- gave stamp approval give go ahead
- gave stamp approval give goahead
- gave stamp approval give the go-ahead
- gave stamp approval give the go ahead
- gave stamp of approval give go-ahead
- gave stamp of approval give go ahead
- gave stamp of approval give goahead
- gave stamp of approval give the go-ahead
- gave stamp of approval give the go ahead
- gave stamp of approval give the goahead
- give stamp of approval
- improv
- improvable
- improve
- improve accommodate
- improve in mood
- improve in outlook
- improve in spirits
- improve mind
- improve mood
- improve poor relations
- improve up on
- improve upon
- improved
- improved in mood
- improved mood
- improved spirits
- improved upon
- improvement
- improvements
- improves
- improves in mood
- improves mood
- improves up on
- improves upon
- improvidence
- improvident
- improvidently
- improvidents
- improving
- improving in mood
- improving mood
- improving upon
- improvings
- improvisate
- improvisation
- improvisational music
- improvisatory
- improvise
- improvised
- improvising
- improviso
- improvs
- improvved
- improvving
- Internet service provider
- lay in provisions
- laying in provisions
- lays in provisions
- make improvement
- make improvements
- make no provision
- make provision
- make provision for
- makes improvements
- makes no provision
- making no provision
- non-provocative
- non provocative
- nonprovocative
- not approved
- on approval
- provable
- prove
- prove a case
- prove false
- proved
- proven
- provenance
- Provencal
- provender
- provenience
- proverb
- provide
- provide a living
- provide for
- provide sanctuary
- providence
- provident
- providently
- provider
- providing
- providing/provided
- province
- provincial
- provincialism
- provincially
- provision
- provisional
- provisioning
- provisions
- proviso
- provisos
- provocaion
- provocateur
- provocation
- provocative
- provocative agent
- provoke
- provoked
- provoker
- provoking
- provost
- re prove
- re proved
- re proves
- re proving
- reproval
- reprove
- seal of approval
- service provider
- stamp of approval
- unapproved
- unproved
- unproven
- with the proviso
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