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Synonyms for panamas

Grammar : Noun
Spell : pan-uh-mah, -maw
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpæn əˌmɑ, -ˌmɔ

Top 10 synonyms for panamas Other synonyms for the word panamas

Définition of panamas

Origin :
  • probably from an unknown Guarani word, traditionally said to mean "place of many fish." Originally the name of the settlement founded 1519 (destroyed 1671 but subsequently rebuilt). Panama hat, made from the leaves of the screw pine, attested from 1833, a misnomer, because it originally was made in Ecuador, but perhaps so called in American English because it was distributed north from Panama City. Panama red as a variety of Central American marijuana is attested from 1967.
  • As in hat : noun covering for the head
Example sentences :
  • Hats made of a score of grasses and fibres are also sold as Panamas.
  • Extract from : « Commercial Geography » by Jacques W. Redway
  • Before coming out she had picked up and put on her head one of Alec's panamas.
  • Extract from : « The Tower of Oblivion » by Oliver Onions
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019