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Synonyms for opiated

Grammar : Verb
Spell : noun, adjective oh-pee-it, -eyt; verb oh-pee-eyt
Phonetic Transcription : noun, adjective ˈoʊ pi ɪt, -ˌeɪt; verb ˈoʊ piˌeɪt

Top 10 synonyms for opiated Other synonyms for the word opiated

Définition of opiated

Origin :
  • "medicine containing opium," early 15c., from Medieval Latin opiatus, from Latin opium (see opium). Figurative sense of "anything that dulls the feelings" is from 1640s. From 1540s in English as an adjective, "made with or containing opium."
  • As in medicate : verb drug
  • As in narcotize : verb drug
  • As in physic : verb drug
Example sentences :
  • This, they assured me, was the way it had performed all through its illness, except when opiated.
  • Extract from : « Doctor Jones' Picnic » by S. E. Chapman

Antonyms for opiated

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019