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Synonyms for okayed

Grammar : Verb
Spell : oh-key, oh-key, oh-key
Phonetic Transcription : ˈoʊˈkeɪ, ˌoʊˈkeɪ, ˈoʊˌkeɪ

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Définition of okayed

Origin :
  • 1839, only survivor of a slang fad in Boston and New York c.1838-9 for abbreviations of common phrases with deliberate, jocular misspellings (e.g. K.G. for "no go," as if spelled "know go;" N.C. for "'nuff ced;" K.Y. for "know yuse"). In the case of O.K., the abbreviation is of "oll korrect."
  • Probably further popularized by use as an election slogan by the O.K. Club, New York boosters of Democratic president Martin Van Buren's 1840 re-election bid, in allusion to his nickname Old Kinderhook, from his birth in the N.Y. village of Kinderhook. Van Buren lost, the word stuck, in part because it filled a need for a quick way to write an approval on a document, bill, etc. Spelled out as okeh, 1919, by Woodrow Wilson, on assumption that it represented Choctaw okeh "it is so" (a theory which lacks historical documentation); this was ousted quickly by okay after the appearance of that form in 1929. Greek immigrants to America who returned home early 20c. having picked up U.S. speech mannerisms were known in Greece as okay-boys, among other things.
  • The noun is first attested 1841; the verb 1888. Okey-doke is student slang first attested 1932.
  • verb agree to
Example sentences :
  • He asked for an appointment with me; I okayed the request because of his reputation.
  • Extract from : « Suite Mentale » by Gordon Randall Garrett
  • The next woman wanted to cash a check and that had to be okayed by the manager.
  • Extract from : « Jerry's Charge Account » by Hazel Hutchins Wilson
  • "We cannot come in until our cargo has been examined and okayed," the engineer said.
  • Extract from : « The Brain » by Alexander Blade
  • Of course I okayed the orders cutting you down—a matter of routine—I had to follow through.
  • Extract from : « Ten From Infinity » by Paul W. Fairman

Antonyms for okayed

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