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Synonyms for most empiric

Grammar : Adj
Spell : em-pir-ik
Phonetic Transcription : ɛmˈpɪr ɪk

Définition of most empiric

Origin :
  • c.1600, from Latin empiricus "a physician guided by experience," from Greek empeirikos "experienced," from empeiria "experience," from empeiros "skilled," from en "in" (see en- (2)) + peira "trial, experiment," from PIE *per- "to try, risk." Originally a school of ancient physicians who based their practice on experience rather than theory. Earlier as a noun (1540s) in reference to the sect, and earliest (1520s) in a sense "quack doctor" which was in frequent use 16c.-19c.
  • adj practical; based on experience

Antonyms for most empiric

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