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Synonyms for military operation
Sorry, there is no synonym available for military-operation.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- base of operation
- base of operations
- base operation
- be familiar
- be in operation
- be proper
- be proper for
- biological operation
- blooper
- center of operations
- conduct oneself properly
- confidence operator
- cooperate
- cooperating
- cooperation
- cooperative
- cooperativeness
- Copernican system
- de-militarizes
- demilitarization
- demilitarize
- demilitarized
- demilitarized zone
- developer
- disk operating system
- dissimilitude
- doper
- easily operated
- familial
- familiar
- familiar name
- familiar tune
- familiar tunes
- familiar with
- familiarity
- familiarization
- familiarize
- familiarized
- familiarizing
- familiarly
- familiars
- families
- fly-by-night operation
- hoper
- horse opera
- humiliate
- humiliating
- humiliation
- humility
- improper
- improperlied
- improperlies
- improperly
- improperlying
- improperness
- in cooperation
- in operation
- in operative
- in operativeness
- in operativenesses
- inoperable
- inoperative
- inoperativeness
- intellectual property
- juste milieu
- landed property
- licensed operator
- looper
- make familiar
- makes familiar
- method of operating
- method of operation
- milieu
- militant
- military
- military hospital
- military person
- military police
- military prison
- military ration
- mode of operation
- modus operandi
- naval militia
- non cooperation
- non-cooperation
- non-cooperations
- non cooperations
- non-militant
- noncooperation
- noncooperations
- noncooperator
- nonmilitant
- opera
- opera bouffe
- opera buffa
- opera comique
- opera glasses
- opera hat
- opera-house
- opera house
- opera omnia
- opera singer
- opera singers
- operable
- operant
- operas
- operate
- operated
- operates
- operatic
- operatic music
- operating costs
- operating expense
- operating room
- operating-system
- operating system
- operating table
- operating theater
- operation
- operational
- operational exhaustion
- operational research
- operations
- operations research
- operative
- operativeness
- operatives
- operator
- operator gene
- organized crime families
- overfamiliarity
- paratrooper
- party pooper
- partypooper
- partypoopers
- paterfamilias
- personal property
- personal property tax
- popery
- prim and proper
- proper
- proper conduct
- proper name
- properly
- properness
- property
- roper
- semiliquid
- shoestring operation
- short operation
- similitude
- smiling
- smilingly
- smooth operator
- snooper
- theater of operations
- toper
- trooper
- uncooperative
- undercover operations
- unfamiliar
- unfamiliarity
- unfamiliarly
- verisimilitude
- vermilion
- was familiar