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Synonyms for lunching

Grammar : Verb
Spell : luhnch
Phonetic Transcription : lʌntʃ

Top 10 synonyms for lunching Other synonyms for the word lunching

Définition of lunching

Origin :
  • "mid-day repast," 1786, shortened form of luncheon (q.v.). The verb meaning "to take to lunch" (said to be from the noun) also is attested from 1786:
  • PRATTLE. I always to be ſure, makes a point to keep up the dignity of the family I lives in. Wou'd you take a more ſolid refreſhment?--Have you lunch'd, Mr. Bribe?BRIBE. Lunch'd O dear! Permit me, my dear Mrs. Prattle, to refreſh my sponge, upon the honey dew that clings to your raviſhing pouters. O! Mrs. Prattle, this ſhall be my lunch. (kiſſes)["The Mode," in William Davies' "Plays Written for a Private Theatre," London, 1786]
  • But as late as 1817 the only definition of lunch in Webster's is "a large piece of food." OED says in 1820s the word "was regarded either as a vulgarism, or as a fashionable affectation." Related: Lunched; lunching. Lunch money is attested from 1868; lunch-time (n.) is from 1821; lunch hour is from 1840. Slang phrase out to lunch "insane, stupid, clueless" first recorded 1955, on notion of being "not there." Old English had nonmete "afternoon meal," literally "noon-meat."
  • As in dine : verb eat, often formally
  • As in eat : verb consume food
Example sentences :
  • I was lunching with William next day, and I told him about the subaltern.
  • Extract from : « Punch or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, July 8, 1914 » by Various
  • I should be delighted, but unfortunately I am lunching with a friend.
  • Extract from : « Cleo The Magnificent » by Louis Zangwill
  • I think I can't do better than inaugurate my new 'ism' by lunching there to-day.
  • Extract from : « Cleo The Magnificent » by Louis Zangwill
  • I was lunching at my club, a club of which Gorman is also a member.
  • Extract from : « The Island Mystery » by George A. Birmingham
  • Her father was there, lunching with one of the superintendents of the museum.
  • Extract from : « Astounding Stories of Super-Science July 1930 » by Various
  • They were lunching at Colchester when these amorous chapters were reached.
  • Extract from : « Love and Lucy » by Maurice Henry Hewlett
  • Nicholas and he had been lunching together in the Gregoriev palace.
  • Extract from : « The Genius » by Margaret Horton Potter
  • The two men with whom she was lunching were at a table at the far corner of the deserted room.
  • Extract from : « Secret Armies » by John L. Spivak
  • First of all I must tell you I was lunching in that restaurant at the seaside.
  • Extract from : « The Wisdom of Father Brown » by G. K. Chesterton
  • I was lunching with her at Ciro's to-day when I saw you and your daughter.
  • Extract from : « Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo » by E. Phillips Oppenheim

Antonyms for lunching

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