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Synonyms for jacketing

Grammar : Verb
Spell : jak-it
Phonetic Transcription : ˈdʒæk ɪt

Top 10 synonyms for jacketing Other synonyms for the word jacketing

Définition of jacketing

Origin :
  • mid-15c., "short garment for men," from Middle French jaquet "short coat with sleeves," diminutive of Old French jaque, a kind of tunic, probably from Jacque, the male proper name, also the generic name of a French peasant (see jacquerie), but possibly associated with jaque (de mailles) "short, tight-fitting coat," originally "coat of mail," from Spanish jaco, from Arabic shakk "breastplate." Iakke "a short, close-fitting stuffed or quilted tunic, often serving as a defensive garment" is attested in English from late 14c., and by c.1400 was being used for "woman's short tunic." Meaning "paper wrapper of a book" is first attested 1894.
  • As in clothe : verb cover with apparel
Example sentences :
  • Bullets differed only in jacketing and the shape of the nose.
  • Extract from : « Louisiana Lou » by William West Winter
  • By jacketing condensation is prevented; it is fought as an enemy.
  • Extract from : « Motors » by James Slough Zerbe
  • The object of jacketing is to prevent the loss of heat from the steam within the cylinder by radiation.
  • Extract from : « Modern Machine-Shop Practice, Volumes I and II » by Joshua Rose
  • One-tenth the jacketing I have received in San Quentin would have squeezed your rabbit heart out of your long ears.
  • Extract from : « The Jacket (The Star-Rover) » by Jack London
  • Finally, a third method of jacketing consists in the use of two half cylinders that exactly fit the exterior of the steam pipe.
  • Extract from : « Cork: Its Origin and Industrial Uses » by Gilbert E. Stecher

Antonyms for jacketing

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019