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Synonyms for iterations
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : it-uh-rey-shuh n |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌɪt əˈreɪ ʃən |
Définition of iterations
Origin :- late 15c., from Latin iterationem (nominative iteratio) "repetition," noun of action from past participle stem of iterare "do again, repeat," from iterum "again," from PIE *i-tero-, from pronomial root *i- (see yon).
- noun redundancy
- Her iterations upon money were the vile constraint of an awakened interest and wonderment at its powers.
- Extract from : « The Amazing Marriage, Complete » by George Meredith
- People of intelligence are growing tired of the platitudes of the pulpit—the iterations of the itinerants.
- Extract from : « Men, Women, and Gods » by Helen H. Gardener
Words or expressions associated with your search
- adult literature
- alliteration
- anklebiter
- arbiter
- backbiter
- counterfeiter
- criterion
- employment recruiter
- folk literature
- ghost writer
- illiteracy
- illiterate
- illiterateness
- illiterates
- in citer
- in citers
- inciter
- inhabiter
- iteracies
- iteracy
- iterance
- iterant
- iterate
- iterations
- iterative
- Jupiter
- jupiters
- letter writer
- limiter
- literal
- literally
- loiter
- loiter along
- loiterer
- loitering
- newswriter
- nitery
- non-literate
- nonliterate
- obiter
- obiter dictum
- obiters
- obliterate
- obliterated
- obliteration
- oral literature
- orbiter
- prose writer
- quiter
- re iterate
- re-iterate
- re-iterated
- re-iterates
- re iterates
- re iterating
- re-iterating
- re-iteration
- re iteration
- re-iterations
- re iterations
- re-iterative
- re iterative
- reconnoiter
- reiterate
- reiterated
- reiterative
- reiteratively
- scimiter
- sexually explicit literature
- the writer
- waiter
- writer
- writer of novels
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