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Synonyms for insipidness

Grammar : Noun
Spell : in-sip-id
Phonetic Transcription : ɪnˈsɪp ɪd

Top 10 synonyms for insipidness Other synonyms for the word insipidness

Définition of insipidness

Origin :
  • 1610s, "without taste or perceptible flavor," from French insipide (16c.), from Late Latin inspidus "tasteless," from Latin in- "not" (see in- (1)) + sapidus "tasty," from sapere "have a taste" (also "be wise;" see sapient). Figurative meaning "uninteresting, dull" first recorded 1640s, but it was also a secondary sense in Medieval Latin.
  • In ye coach ... went Mrs. Barlow, the King's mistress and mother to ye Duke of Monmouth, a browne, beautifull, bold, but insipid creature. [John Evelyn, diary, Aug. 18, 1649]
  • Related: Insipidly.
  • noun insipidity
Example sentences :
  • Those who have tried the insipidness of it would, I believe, never choose it.
  • Extract from : « The Town » by Leigh Hunt

Antonyms for insipidness

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019