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Synonyms for fazed

Grammar : Verb
Spell : feyz
Phonetic Transcription : feɪz

Top 10 synonyms for fazed Other synonyms for the word fazed

Définition of fazed

Origin :
  • 1830, American English variant of Kentish dialect feeze "to frighten, alarm, discomfit" (mid-15c.), from Old English fesian, fysian "drive away," from Proto-Germanic *fausjanan (cf. Swedish fösa "drive away," Norwegian föysa). Related: Fazed; fazing.
  • verb embarrass
Example sentences :
  • She's just rollin' out o' th' feathers, an' she's quite enough for me—always has me fazed to a frazzle.
  • Extract from : « The Definite Object » by Jeffery Farnol
  • Sure, but this guy's got her fazed—she thinks he's square all right—she'll trust him an' then—s'posin' he ain't?
  • Extract from : « The Definite Object » by Jeffery Farnol

Antonyms for fazed

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019