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Synonyms for eagle-eyed
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : ee-guh l-ahyd |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈi gəlˌaɪd |
Définition of eagle-eyed
- adj keen-eyed
- Every one is eagle-eyed to see another's faults and his deformity.
- Extract from : « Pearls of Thought » by Maturin M. Ballou
- The pioneers or their escort were subjected to the most eagle-eyed vigilance.
- Extract from : « The Phantom of the River » by Edward S. Ellis
- Out of a pathetic blindness of attitude he must see, eagle-eyed.
- Extract from : « The Tyranny of Weakness » by Charles Neville Buck
- No lounging now; the young man sat arrow-straight and eagle-eyed.
- Extract from : « The Open Question » by Elizabeth Robins
- It's next to impossible to take you in, you eagle-eyed Indian!
- Extract from : « The Camp Fire Girls Do Their Bit » by Hildegard G. Frey
- The old Indian fighter had that strange sense of proportion, that eagle-eyed view of life that the desert sometimes breeds.
- Extract from : « Still Jim » by Honor Willsie Morrow
- He was a magnificent man, of middle age, with the noblest type of the eagle-eyed, aquiline desert beauty.
- Extract from : « Under Two Flags » by Ouida [Louise de la Ramee]
- An eagle-eyed child at the steering wheel gazed pityingly at his agonized elders.
- Extract from : « It Happened in Egypt » by C. N. Williamson
- She chills under the surveillance and parsimony of an eagle-eyed, meddlesome husband.
- Extract from : « Think » by Col. Wm. C. Hunter
- She chills under the surveillance and parsimony of an eagle-eyed, detective, lawyer-like husband.
- Extract from : « Evening Round Up » by William Crosbie Hunter
Words or expressions associated with your search
- bad-eyed
- badeyed
- beagle
- bright-eyed
- cockeyed
- dewy-eyed
- eagle
- eagle-eye
- eagle eye
- eagle-eyed
- eagle eyed
- eagle eyeing
- eagle-eyeing
- eagle-eyes
- eagle-eying
- eagle eying
- eagle freak
- eagled eye
- eagleeye
- eagleeyed
- eagleeyeing
- eagleeyes
- eagleeying
- eaglelike
- eagles
- eagles eye
- eagling eye
- green-eyed
- hackneyed
- hackneyed saying
- hollow-eyed
- honeyed
- honeyed words
- journeyed
- keep eagle eye on
- keyed in
- keyed on
- keyed up
- keyed-up
- lay spread-eagle
- lay spread eagle
- lay spreadeagle
- legal beagle
- legal eagle
- lying spread-eagle
- lying spread eagle
- lying spreadeagle
- moneyed class
- moneyed man
- obeyed
- open-eyed
- open eyed
- openeyed
- out jockeyed
- parleyed
- sharp-eyed
- spread-eagle
- surveyed
- teary-eyed
- the green-eyed monster
- walleyed
- wide-eyed
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