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Synonyms for dyed in the wool
Grammar : Adj, noun |
Spell : dahyd-n-th uh-woo l |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈdaɪd n ðəˈwʊl |
Top 10 synonyms for dyed in the wool Other synonyms for the word dyed in the wool
- abiding
- absolute
- accepted
- accustomed
- acrimonious
- adamantine
- affectionate
- allegiant
- ascetic
- assiduous
- astringent
- attached
- austere
- behind one
- believing
- bitter
- bitter ender
- blank
- blanket
- bourbon
- brick-wall
- bullheaded
- by the book
- by the numbers
- categorical
- ceaseless
- chronic
- circumspect
- come-through
- coming through
- compelling
- complete
- confiding
- confining
- confirmed
- congenital
- conscientious
- conservative
- consistent
- constant
- consummate
- continual
- continuing
- continuous
- convinced
- convincing
- counted on
- cruel
- customary
- dead set on
- deep down
- deep-down
- deep-dyed
- deep-rooted
- deep-seated
- deeply felt
- deeply ingrained
- delivering
- dependable
- determined
- die-hard
- diligent
- disciplinary
- dogged
- downright
- drawing
- dutiful
- dyed-in-the-wool
- endless
- enduring
- entrenched
- established
- eternal
- exacting
- explicit
- extreme
- extremist
- faithful
- fanatic
- fast
- firm
- firmly established
- fixed
- flawless
- flinty
- fogy
- fogyish
- forbidding
- forceful
- frowning
- full-fledged
- fundamentalist
- genuine
- grim
- habitual
- habituated
- hang-tough
- hard
- hard-and-fast
- hard-boiled
- hard-core
- hard-line
- hard-nosed
- hard-shell
- hardened
- hardheaded
- harsh
- honest
- honorable
- immovable
- immutable
- impeccable
- implacable
- inborn
- inbred
- incorrigible
- incorruptible
- incurable
- indomitable
- indurated
- ineradicable
- inexhaustible
- inexorable
- infallible
- infixed
- inflexible
- ingrained
- inherent
- innate
- instilled
- intractable
- intransigent
- inured
- invariable
- inveterate
- iron
- iron-fisted
- ironclad
- irradicable
- lifelong
- lodged in one's brain
- long-established
- long-lasting
- long-lived
- long-standing
- longstanding
- longtime
- loving
- loyal
- mortified
- mossback
- mulish
- never-failing
- obdurate
- obedient
- obstinate
- old
- old liner
- old-line
- on one's side
- on the level
- orthodox
- out and out
- out-and-out
- outright
- patriotic
- perennial
- perfect
- permanent
- persistent
- persisting
- philistine
- picky
- poignant
- positive
- powerful
- praetorian
- proved
- pullback
- reactionary
- relentless
- reliable
- resolute
- right
- right-winger
- rightist
- rigid
- rigorous
- rock solid
- rough
- same
- scrupulous
- seasoned
- set
- set in one's ways
- settled
- severe
- sheer
- sincere
- single-minded
- solid
- staid
- stand one's ground
- standpat
- standpatter
- staunch
- steadfast
- steady
- steely
- stick-in-the-mud
- stiff
- stiff-necked
- straight
- strict
- string along with
- stringent
- stubborn
- subconscious
- sure
- surefire
- sworn
- there
- thorough
- thoroughgoing
- through and through
- to the core
- Tory
- total
- tough
- traditionalistic
- tried
- tried and true
- tried-and-true
- true
- true blue
- true-blue
- trustworthy
- trusty
- truthful
- ultraconservative
- unadaptable
- unalterable
- unbending
- unblemished
- unchangeable
- unchanging
- uncompliant
- uncompromising
- unconditional
- unfailing
- unflagging
- unlimited
- unmitigated
- unpermissive
- unqualified
- unreconstructed
- unrelenting
- unsparing
- unswayable
- unswerving
- unwaivering
- unwavering
- unyielding
- upright
- usual
- utter
- val
- valid
- veracious
- well-established
- whole
- worn
- zealot
Définition of dyed in the wool
- As in inflexible : adj stubborn
- As in inveterate : adj long-standing, established
- As in loyal : adj faithful, dependable
- As in stern : adj serious, authoritarian
- As in stringent : adj rigid, tight
- As in unfailing : adj certain, unchanging
- As in hard-shell : adj confirmed
- As in inalterable : adj inflexible
- As in ineradicable : adj confirmed
- As in irradicable : adj confirmed
- As in liege : adj faithful
- As in complete : adj utter, absolute
- As in confirmed : adj habitual; rooted
- As in deep-seated : adj ingrained
- As in die-hard : adj uncompromising
- As in dyed-in-the-wool : adj deep-rooted
- As in faithful : adj loyal, reliable
- As in hard-core : adj dedicated
- As in diehard : noun overenthusiastic person
Antonyms for dyed in the wool
- added
- amenable
- bendable
- bland
- calm
- careless
- changeable
- changing
- cheerful
- cold
- compromising
- conceding
- conditional
- cool
- cooperative
- corrupt
- defective
- deficient
- different
- dishonest
- disliking
- disloyal
- disobedient
- easy
- easy-going
- elastic
- facile
- failing
- faithless
- false
- flexible
- fraudulent
- funny
- gentle
- imperfect
- impermanent
- inaccurate
- incomplete
- inconstant
- indefinite
- indulgent
- inexact
- infrequent
- irresolute
- irresponsible
- kind
- lacking
- lenient
- light
- limited
- loose
- lying
- mild
- missing
- moderate
- needy
- negligent
- nice
- partial
- pliable
- pliant
- reasonable
- resilient
- short
- short-lived
- smiling
- soft
- soft-core
- sporadic
- submissive
- temporary
- tolerant
- treacherous
- uncertain
- uncommitted
- unconfirmed
- undecided
- undedicated
- undependable
- unfaithful
- unfinished
- unfixed
- unreliable
- unscrupulous
- unstable
- unsteady
- unsure
- untrue
- untrustworthy
- untruthful
- wanting
- wavering
- weak
- willing
- yielding
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019