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Synonyms for destruct

Grammar : Verb
Spell : dih-struhkt
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈstrʌkt

Top 10 synonyms for destruct Other synonyms for the word destruct

Définition of destruct

Origin :
  • "to destroy," 1958, probably a back-formation from destruction in the jargon of U.S. aerospace and defense workers to refer to deliberate destruction of a missile in flight by a friendly agent; popularized 1966 in form self-destruct in the voice-over at the beginning of popular TV spy drama "Mission Impossible." OED records an isolated use of destruct from 17c., in this case probably from Latin destruct-, past participle stem of destruere.
  • verb destroy
Example sentences :
  • You could have pushed the Destruct button and I'd never have known.
  • Extract from : « Mother America » by Sam McClatchie
  • He was actually risking his life—or so he believed—to prove that the child could not destruct a human being.
  • Extract from : « When I Grow Up » by Richard E. Lowe

Antonyms for destruct

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