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Synonyms for de-solate
Grammar : Adj, adv, verb |
Spell : adjective des-uh-lit; verb des-uh-leyt |
Phonetic Transcription : adjective ˈdɛs ə lɪt; verb ˈdɛs əˌleɪt |
Top 10 synonyms for de-solate Other synonyms for the word de-solate
- abandoned
- abase
- abort
- acheronian
- acherontic
- adusk
- adverse
- afflicted
- afflictive
- aggrieve
- agonize
- agonized
- agrarian
- ail
- ailing
- alien
- all by one's lonesome
- all the worse for wear
- alone
- aloof
- anguished
- annihilate
- annul
- antisocial
- antithesis and synthesis
- apart
- appropriate
- argumentation
- arrogate
- aseptic
- at
- attenuated
- au naturel
- axe
- bad
- bald
- banished
- barbarian
- barbaric
- barbarous
- bare
- batching it
- be on one's case
- bear down
- beat
- beat down
- beat-up
- bedraggled
- befoul
- below par
- bereft
- bistered
- biting
- black
- blah
- blank
- blaspheme
- bleak
- bleeding
- blemish
- blighted
- blot out
- blue
- blue funk
- bombed
- bony
- boring
- bother
- break
- break down
- break one's heart
- break up
- bring one down
- broken-down
- brokenhearted
- broody
- brown
- brumal
- brunette
- bug
- bulldozed
- bum out
- bummed out
- burn up
- burned
- butcher
- by itself/oneself
- by oneself
- cadaverous
- calamitous
- caliginous
- capture
- cast aside
- cast away
- cast down
- cast off
- cast-down
- castoff
- cataclysmic
- chapfallen
- characterless
- chaste
- cheerless
- chill
- chilly
- clear
- cleared
- cloistered
- clouded
- cloudy
- coherence
- cold
- comfortless
- commit sacrilege
- companionless
- concealed
- confiscate
- connection
- consume
- contaminate
- course of thought
- cow
- crabbed
- cream
- create chaos
- crepuscular
- crestfallen
- crumbling
- crummy
- crush
- crushed
- crushing
- cure
- cutting
- cynical
- damage
- damp
- dampen
- dampen spirits
- dark
- dark-complexioned
- darken
- darkish
- dash
- daunt
- dead
- deadly
- deathly
- debase
- debilitate
- debilitated
- decayed
- decaying
- decontaminated
- decrepit
- deduction
- deface
- defenseless
- defile
- deflated
- deforested
- degenerated
- degrade
- deject
- dejected
- dejecting
- demolish
- dense
- denude
- depleted
- deplorable
- deplore
- depopulate
- deported
- depredate
- depress
- depressed
- depressing
- depressive
- deprive
- derelict
- desecrate
- desert
- deserted
- desolate
- despairing
- desperate
- despoil
- despoiled
- despondent
- destitute
- destroy
- destroyed
- destructive
- detached
- deteriorated
- deteriorating
- devastate
- devitalize
- devoid
- devour
- dialectic
- dilapidated
- dim
- dingy
- dire
- disagreeable
- disappointed
- disastrous
- discarded
- discombobulate
- disconsolate
- discontented
- discourage
- discouraged
- discouraging
- disfigure
- disfigured
- disgrace
- dishearten
- disheartening
- dishonor
- disinfected
- disinherited
- dismal
- dismantle
- dismay
- disorganize
- disowned
- dispatch
- dispirit
- dispirited
- dispiriting
- displaced
- dispossess
- dispossessed
- disquiet
- disreputable
- disrupt
- dissipated
- distant
- distress
- distressed
- disturb
- divest
- do a number on
- do one in
- dog
- dog-eared
- doleful
- dolorous
- dour
- down
- down and out
- down in the dumps
- down in the mouth
- down-and-out
- down-at-heel
- down-at-the-heel
- downcast
- downhearted
- drab
- drag
- drag down
- dragged
- dragging
- draggy
- drain
- drained
- dreadful
- drearisome
- dreary
- dropped
- dry
- dull
- dull as dishwater
- dumped
- dusky
- dysphoric
- eat
- effete
- eighty-sixed
- eliminated
- emaciated
- empty
- end
- enervate
- enervated
- eradicate
- erase
- eremetic
- escaped
- estranged
- evacuated
- exhausted
- exiled
- exotic
- exposed
- exterminate
- extinguish
- extirpate
- faded
- fallow
- far
- far-off
- faraway
- fatal
- fateful
- fatigued
- faze
- fe
- fed up
- feral
- ferocious
- fierce
- flat
- fleece
- forage
- foray
- forbidding
- foreign
- forgotten
- forlorn
- forsaken
- frayed
- free
- freezing
- friendless
- frigid
- frosty
- frowning
- frowzy
- frozen
- fruitless
- funereal
- futile
- gaunt
- germ-free
- get
- get to
- ghastly
- give a hard time
- given up
- gloomy
- glum
- godforsaken
- gone to seed
- good sense
- grave
- gray
- grief-stricken
- grieve
- grieved
- grievous
- grim
- gruesome
- grungy
- gut
- haggard
- hapless
- harass
- harm
- harrowing
- harry
- harsh
- havoc
- heart-rending
- heart-stricken
- heart-struck
- heartbreaking
- heartbroken
- heartsick
- heartsore
- heavy-hearted
- helpless
- hermit
- hermitical
- hibernal
- hidden
- hiemal
- hollow
- homeless
- homesick
- hopeless
- horrible
- horrid
- hound
- houseless
- humble
- hurt
- hurting
- hygienic
- icebox
- icy
- ignored
- ill
- ill-fated
- ill-starred
- impair
- impotent
- impoverished
- in a bad way
- in a blue funk
- in low spirits
- in pain
- in solitary
- in the dumps
- in the pits
- in the toilet
- inauspicious
- incog
- incognito
- inconsolable
- indigenous
- individual
- induction
- infecund
- inference
- infertile
- injure
- injured
- introverted
- invade
- irk
- irritate
- isolated
- itinerant
- jarring
- jilted
- joyless
- keep under
- kill
- lacking
- lackluster
- lamentable
- lank
- lay low
- lay waste
- lean
- leave in ruins
- left
- left at the altar
- left behind
- left in the cold
- left in the lurch
- left stranded
- let down
- level
- lift
- lightless
- like a bag of bones
- linkage
- liquidate
- little known
- lone
- lonely
- lonesome
- loot
- lorn
- lost
- low
- low-down
- low-spirited
- lower
- lowering
- lugubrious
- lush
- lusterless
- luxuriant
- maim
- make blue
- make it tough for
- make lose face
- make useless
- mangy
- mar
- maraud
- marooned
- me and my shadow
- me myself and I
- meager
- mean
- melancholic
- melancholy
- mess up
- miff
- mirthless
- misanthropic
- miserable
- mock
- monotonous
- moody
- mopey
- moping
- mopish
- morbid
- morose
- mortify
- moth-eaten
- mournful
- moved
- muck up
- muddy
- murky
- mutilate
- nab
- nag
- naked
- nameless
- native
- natural
- needle
- neglected
- new
- nit-pick
- nude
- nuke
- nullify
- obscure
- off the beaten track
- offish
- old
- on a downer
- on one's own
- on the rocks
- onliest
- only
- open
- oppress
- oppressed
- oppressive
- out of condition
- out-of-the-way
- outcast
- overcast
- overclouded
- overcome
- overgrown
- overrun
- overthrow
- overturn
- overwhelm
- ownerless
- pain
- pained
- painful
- parched
- particular
- passed up
- pasteurized
- pathetic
- peaked
- peaky
- peeve
- perplex
- perturb
- pervert
- pessimistic
- pester
- philosophy
- pick on
- pigeon-holed
- pilfer
- pillage
- pinch
- pinched
- pirate
- pitiable
- pitiful
- plague
- plain
- play mischief with
- plunder
- pollute
- poor
- pot
- poverty-stricken
- prejudice
- press
- prey
- primitive
- private
- profane
- prostitute
- prostrate
- prostrated
- pull down
- purloin
- push
- push buttons
- put a damper on
- put down
- put into a funk
- quash
- quell
- quiet
- rack
- racked
- ragged
- raid
- rampant
- ramshackle
- ransack
- rape
- ratiocination
- rationale
- ratty
- ravage
- ravish
- raw
- rawboned
- raze
- reclusive
- reduce
- reduce to tears
- refugee
- rejected
- relationship
- relinquished
- remote
- removed
- renounced
- reserved
- retired
- rickety
- rifle
- ripped
- rob
- rough
- rude
- rueful
- ruin
- ruined
- ruinous
- run down
- run-down
- rundown
- ruthful
- sable
- sabotage
- sack
- sad
- sadden
- saddening
- same
- sanitary
- sanity
- sap
- saturnine
- savage
- scanty
- scarce
- scorched
- scorn
- scraggy
- scrawny
- scrubby
- scruffy
- secluded
- secret
- seedy
- seize
- sense
- separate
- septic
- sepulchral
- sequestered
- severe
- shabby
- shadowy
- shady
- shag
- shatter
- shocking
- shoddy
- shunned
- sick
- sickly
- side-tracked
- sidelined
- single
- single-handedly
- singly
- singular
- sink
- skeletal
- skeleton
- skin and bones
- slay
- sleazy
- slipshod
- slow
- smash
- snappy
- snuff out
- so-and-so
- sob story
- sole
- solely
- solemn
- solitary
- solo
- somber
- sorrowful
- sound judgment
- spare
- spiritless
- spoil
- spoliate
- squalid
- squash
- stag
- stamp out
- standoffish
- stark
- steal
- sterile
- sterilized
- strain
- strained
- strange
- strap
- stress
- strip
- stripped
- subfuse
- such-and-such
- suffering
- sulky
- sullen
- suppress
- surly
- swallow up
- swart
- swarthy
- sweep away
- syllogism
- syllogistics
- tacky
- take apart
- taken down
- tarnish
- tattered
- tatty
- tear down
- tedious
- tenebrific
- tenebrous
- terrible
- thesis
- thieve
- thin
- threadbare
- three-dog night
- throw cold water on
- thrown over
- tick off
- tired
- torment
- tormented
- torn up
- torn-up
- torpedo
- torture
- tortured
- total
- tragic
- train of thought
- trample
- trash
- traveling light
- trespass
- tristful
- troglodytic
- trouble
- troubled
- troublesome
- try
- tumble-down
- turn one off
- twilight
- twilit
- ugly
- unaccompanied
- unaided
- unapprehended
- unapproachable
- unascertained
- unassisted
- unattached
- unattended
- unbearing
- unbefriended
- unbroken
- uncared-for
- uncelebrated
- unchanging
- uncharted
- uncherished
- uncivilized
- unclad
- unclothed
- uncomfortable
- uncompanionable
- unconsolable
- uncouth
- uncovered
- uncreative
- uncultivable
- uncultivated
- under the weather
- undiscovered
- undistinguished
- undo
- undomesticated
- undraped
- unescorted
- unexplained
- unexplored
- unfamiliar
- unfertile
- unfilled
- unfortunate
- unfrequented
- unfruitful
- unfurnished
- unhappy
- unhealthy
- unheard-of
- unhoused
- unidentified
- unilluminated
- unimaginative
- uninfected
- uninhabited
- uninspired
- uninventive
- unique
- unlit
- unmarried
- unnamed
- unnoted
- unoccupied
- unoriginal
- unperceived
- unpopulated
- unproductive
- unprofitable
- unprolific
- unrecognized
- unrenowned
- unrevealed
- unsettled
- unsheltered
- unsocial
- unsung
- untamed
- untended
- untilled
- untold
- untouched
- unwelcome
- upset
- used up
- vacant
- vacated
- vacuous
- vagabond
- vagrant
- vain
- vandalize
- vapid
- vaporize
- veiled
- vex
- vicious
- vitiate
- void
- wandering
- wanting
- waste
- wasted
- wax
- weak
- weaken
- weary
- weather-beaten
- weeping
- weigh
- weigh down
- weighed down
- widowed
- wild
- windswept
- wintry
- wipe off map
- wipe out
- wistful
- withdrawn
- without a roof
- without issue
- woebegone
- woeful
- worn
- worn-out
- worse for wear
- wound
- wounded
- wreak havoc
- wreck
- wrest
- wretched
- X
- zap
- zero
Définition of de-solate
Origin :- mid-14c., "without companions," also "uninhabited," from Latin desolatus, past participle of desolare "leave alone, desert," from de- "completely" (see de-) + solare "make lonely," from solus "alone" (see sole (adj.)). Sense of "joyless" is 15c.
- As in inconsolable : adj brokenhearted
- As in lonely : adj feeling friendless, forlorn
- As in lonely : adj out-of-the-way
- As in lonesome : adj forlorn, friendless
- As in miserable : adj unhappy, depressed
- As in run-down : adj shabby, in bad shape
- As in saturnine : adj gloomy
- As in shabby : adj broken-down; in poor shape
- As in bare : adj without covering or content
- As in barren : adj unable to support growth
- As in solitary : adj alone, single; unsociable
- As in stark : adj bare, unadorned
- As in sterile : adj unproductive, clean
- As in tragic : adj catastrophic, very bad
- As in unknown : adj obscure, mysterious
- As in wild : adj untamed
- As in wintry : adj cold, snowy
- As in bleak : adj barren
- As in brokenhearted : adj devastated
- As in stricken : adj overwhelmed
- As in uninhabited : adj not lived in
- As in uninhabited : adj not inhabited
- As in cheerless : adj depressing, unhappy
- As in dysphoric : adj depressed
- As in heavy-hearted : adj depressed
- As in lorn : adj lonely
- As in lorn : adj abandoned
- As in melancholic : adj depressed
- As in sanitized : adj sterile
- As in scrubby : adj shabby
- As in tatty : adj shabby
- As in tenebrific : adj gloomy
- As in tristful : adj depressed
- As in uncreative : adj sterile
- As in undomesticated : adj wild
- As in unfrequented : adj lonely
- As in uninventive : adj sterile
- As in derelict : adj deserted, forsaken
- As in desert : adj barren, uncultivated
- As in deserted : adj abandoned, unoccupied
- As in desolate : adj unused, barren
- As in desolate : adj depressed, despondent
- As in disconsolate : adj depressed, unhappy
- As in dismal : adj bleak, dreary, gloomy
- As in drab : adj dull, colorless
- As in dusky : adj dark-hued; murky
- As in empty : adj containing nothing
- As in alone : adj separate; apart
- As in forlorn : adj hopeless, inconsolable
- As in forsaken : adj abandoned
- As in gaunt : adj skinny
- As in gloomy : adj dark, black
- As in gloomy : adj feeling down, blue
- As in gloomy : adj sad, depressing
- As in homeless : adj displaced
- As in solitarily : adv alone
- As in pillage : verb plunder, destroy
- As in ravage : verb destroy, ransack
- As in sack : verb raid, plunder
- As in sadden : verb upset, depress
- As in spoil : verb ruin, hurt
- As in waste : verb ruin, destroy
- As in wreak havoc : verb cause destruction
- As in harrow : verb sack
- As in spoliate : verb sack
- As in depress : verb deject, make despondent; exhaust
- As in desecrate : verb abuse, violate
- As in desolate : verb ravage, destroy
- As in despoil : verb ravage, destroy
- As in destroy : verb demolish, devastate
- As in devastate : verb demolish, destroy
- As in distress : verb worry, upset
Antonyms for de-solate
- above
- abundant
- accompanied
- activate
- admire
- adorn
- adorned
- advantageous
- aid
- ambiguous
- animated
- appealing
- appease
- approve
- assist
- assuage
- aware
- be happy
- be indifferent
- bear
- beautify
- befriended
- begin
- behaved
- blessed
- blocked
- bright
- build
- busy
- calm
- calming
- careful
- caring
- cheer
- cheerful
- cherished
- civilized
- clean
- clear
- close
- closed
- clothe
- clothed
- colorful
- combined
- comfort
- comfortable
- comforted
- comforting
- common
- complete
- congenial
- consolable
- consoled
- construct
- contaminated
- content
- controllable
- controlled
- copious
- cover
- covered
- create
- crowded
- cultivated
- cultured
- cure
- damp
- decent
- decorate
- decorated
- delicate
- delight
- delightful
- developing
- dirty
- discourage
- dissuade
- effective
- elated
- elevate
- embellish
- employ
- encourage
- encouraged
- encouraging
- energize
- enhance
- enrich
- entire
- exalt
- excellent
- excite
- exciting
- exhilarating
- familiar
- fat
- favorable
- fecund
- fertile
- filled
- fix
- flatter
- fortunate
- free
- frequented
- fresh
- friendly
- fruitful
- full
- gay
- general
- generous
- gentle
- give
- give birth
- glad
- gladden
- good
- great
- grow
- growing
- guard
- happy
- harmless
- heal
- healthful
- healthy
- hearten
- heartened
- heated
- heavy
- help
- helped
- hide
- hire
- hoard
- honest
- honor
- honorable
- hopeful
- hot
- identified
- ignore
- improve
- improved
- increase
- indefinite
- inhabited
- inspired
- inspirit
- intact
- intelligent
- interesting
- invigorate
- joyful
- joyous
- keep
- kind
- known
- leave alone
- let go
- liberate
- life-giving
- lift
- light
- lighthearted
- lively
- lose
- loved
- lucky
- luminous
- make happy
- manageable
- mend
- merry
- mild
- moderate
- moist
- named
- native
- neglect
- new
- nice
- normal
- nurtured
- occupied
- offer
- OK
- order
- orderly
- ordinary
- ornament
- overflowing
- placate
- pleasant
- please
- pleased
- pleasing
- plump
- populated
- populous
- potent
- praise
- preserve
- productive
- profitable
- prosperous
- protect
- protected
- purify
- push up
- raise
- receive
- refined
- regular
- release
- relevant
- relieve
- repair
- replete
- respect
- respectable
- responsive
- restore
- restored
- retain
- rich
- robed
- safeguard
- sanctify
- sated
- satisfied
- save
- saved
- secure
- settled
- smart
- sociable
- solaced
- soothe
- soothed
- sophisticated
- sound
- sparkling
- stable
- start
- stimulate
- strengthen
- successful
- sufficient
- summery
- sunny
- support
- surrender
- sympathetic
- tame
- thick
- together
- trivial
- unaffected
- unclean
- unclear
- understanding
- unimportant
- unlonely
- unlonesome
- unsanitary
- unsterile
- unused
- upgrade
- uplift
- uplifting
- upright
- used
- useful
- usual
- vague
- validate
- vivacious
- wanted
- warm
- wealthy
- well-nourished
- wet
- wholesome
- wonderful
- worthwhile
- yield
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019