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Synonyms for de-based
Grammar : Adj, verb |
Spell : dih-beys |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈbeɪs |
Top 10 synonyms for de-based Other synonyms for the word de-based
- abandoned
- abase
- abased
- abash
- abashed
- abate
- aberrant
- abhorrent
- abject
- abnormal
- abominable
- abrade
- abridge
- abuse
- abused
- admixed
- adulterate
- adulterated
- affront
- aggravate
- ail
- alloy
- alloyed
- amalgamate
- amiss
- amoral
- anesthetize
- animalize
- apple-polish
- arch
- asperse
- attack
- attaint
- attenuate
- awry
- bad
- bad news
- bad-mouth
- bankrupt
- bant
- base
- bastardize
- be at beck and call
- be evil
- be obsequious
- be reduced to
- be servile
- be worse for wear
- bear down
- beat
- beat down
- become worse
- bedraggle
- befoul
- begrime
- belittle
- below par
- bemean
- bench
- berate
- besmirch
- besoil
- bestialize
- betray
- blacken
- blamable
- blandish
- blaspheme
- blemish
- blemished
- blend
- blight
- blister
- blot
- blotch
- blunt
- blur
- blushing
- bob
- botch
- botched
- bother
- bow
- brainwash
- brand
- break
- break down
- break up
- bribe
- bring down
- bring low
- broken
- brownnose
- brutalize
- buddy up
- bug
- bum out
- bump
- burnt out
- bust
- butter up
- cajole
- call down
- caluminate
- canker
- capsize
- carnal
- cast a slur
- cast down
- cater to
- cave in to
- censure
- chagrin
- chagrined
- change
- chasten
- cheapen
- chill
- chop
- clinging
- clip
- cloud
- coarse
- coarsen
- coat
- color
- commingle
- commit sacrilege
- commit sin
- common
- compress
- compunctious
- condescend
- confound
- confuse
- conquer
- conscience-stricken
- consume
- contaminate
- contaminated
- contemn
- contemptible
- contort
- contorted
- contract
- contrite
- cook
- corrode
- corrupt
- corrupted
- cotton
- counting on
- court
- cow
- cower
- cracked
- crawl
- creep
- crestfallen
- cringe
- cripple
- crook
- crouch
- crud up
- cruel
- crumb
- crumble
- crush
- curry favor
- curse
- curtail
- curtsy
- curve
- cuss
- cut
- cut back
- cut down
- cut down to size
- cut rate
- cut to the quick
- damage
- damaged
- damn
- damp
- dampen
- dangerous
- darken
- darn
- daub
- daunt
- deacon
- deaden
- debase
- debased
- debauch
- debauched
- debilitate
- decadent
- decay
- decayed
- decaying
- declass
- decline
- declining
- decompose
- decrease
- decrepit
- decry
- deface
- defame
- defeat
- defective
- defenseless
- defer
- deficient
- defile
- defiled
- deflate
- deflower
- deform
- degenerate
- degenerated
- degrade
- degraded
- dehumanize
- deign
- demean
- demeaned
- demolish
- demoralize
- demoralized
- demote
- denature
- denigrate
- denounce
- deny
- depose
- deprave
- depraved
- depreciate
- depredate
- depress
- deride
- derogate
- descend
- desecrate
- desecrated
- desolate
- despicable
- despise
- despoil
- destroy
- deteriorate
- deteriorated
- detract
- devalorize
- devaluate
- devalue
- devastate
- deviant
- deviate
- deviating
- devilish
- devitalize
- diabolical
- diet
- dig
- dilute
- diluted
- diminish
- ding
- dip
- dirty
- dirty-minded
- dis
- disable
- disbar
- discolor
- discomfit
- discomfited
- disconcert
- disconcerted
- disconsider
- discount
- discountenance
- discourage
- discredit
- disfavor
- disfigure
- disgrace
- disgraceful
- disguise
- disgusting
- dishearten
- dishonor
- disimprove
- disintegrate
- dismay
- disoblige
- disparage
- dispirit
- disqualify
- disregard
- disrespect
- dissipated
- dissolute
- dissolve
- distort
- distorted
- distraught
- distress
- distressed
- disturb
- divert
- do obeisance
- do wrong
- doctor
- doctor up
- doctored
- dope up
- downgrade
- downplay
- drag
- drag down
- drag through the mud
- draggle
- drain
- drained
- dress down
- droop
- drop
- duck
- dull
- dump on
- dwindle
- dye
- ease up
- ebb
- effete
- egregious
- embarrass
- embarrassed
- embitter
- encrust
- enervate
- enervated
- enfeeble
- enfeebled
- envenom
- erroneous
- even out
- evil
- exhaust
- expel
- extinguish
- fade
- fail
- failing
- faint
- fake
- fall
- fall all over
- fall apart
- fall on one's knees
- fallacious
- fallen
- fallible
- false
- falsify
- far-gone
- fast
- faulty
- faze
- feeble
- fell
- ferocious
- fester
- fiendish
- filthy
- fix
- flag
- flagitious
- flagitous
- flame
- flatitious
- flatter
- flawed
- floor
- flout
- fluff off
- flush
- flustered
- foreign
- fornicate
- foul
- frail
- fraternize
- fudge
- garble
- genuflect
- gird
- give a bad name
- give a black eye
- give way
- gloss
- go bad
- go downhill
- go on a diet
- go to hell
- go to pieces
- go to pot
- go to the dogs
- gone bad
- gone to the dogs
- grade
- grease palm
- grime
- gross
- grotesque
- ground
- grovel
- grubby
- guilty
- halt
- harden
- harm
- heartless
- heinous
- hesitant
- hide
- hit the skids
- honey up
- hoodoo
- horrid
- humble
- humbled
- humiliate
- humiliated
- humiliating
- hunch
- hurt
- ignoble
- ill-treat
- immature
- immodest
- immoral
- impair
- impaired
- imperfect
- impious
- impish
- impoverish
- imprecise
- impure
- in the gutter
- inaccurate
- inadequate
- incline
- incomplete
- incorrigible
- indecent
- indigent
- inexact
- infamous
- infect
- infected
- inferior
- infiltrate
- inflict
- iniquitous
- inject
- injure
- injured
- insubordinate
- insufficient
- intermix
- intrigue
- invalid
- invalidate
- inveigle
- invert
- invite
- iron out
- irreligious
- irrigate
- irritate
- jeer
- jinx
- jolly
- keep under
- kill
- kinky
- kneel
- knock
- knock down
- knock off
- knock out
- kowtow
- lace
- lame
- languish
- lapse
- lascivious
- lay
- lay it on
- lay low
- lead astray
- leaky
- lemon
- lessen
- lesser
- level
- lewd
- libel
- libidinous
- licentious
- lick boots
- limp
- live in the gutter
- load
- loathsome
- lose
- lose face
- lose it
- lose quality
- lose spirit
- lose strength
- lose value
- lose weight
- lost
- low
- low-down
- lower
- lure
- maculate
- maimed
- make a fool of
- make ashamed
- make dusty
- make eat dirt
- make filthy
- make foul
- make ill
- make impure
- make lose face
- make one feel small
- make unclean
- make up to
- make useless
- malformed
- malfunctioning
- malign
- maltreat
- mar
- mark
- mark down
- marred
- massage
- mean
- meek
- mess
- mess up
- mingle
- minimize
- minor
- misapply
- mischievous
- misconstrue
- miscreant
- misemploy
- miserable
- misguided
- misinterpret
- misrepresent
- misshape
- misstate
- mistreat
- misuse
- misused
- mitigate
- mix
- mix with
- mock
- moderate
- mold
- molder
- molest
- monstrous
- moribund
- mortified
- mortify
- mow down
- muck
- muck up
- muddled
- muddy
- mudsling
- murder
- muss
- muss up
- narcotize
- nasty
- naughty
- nauseating
- nefarious
- nod
- nose dive
- not pure
- noxious
- nutshell
- obscene
- obsolete
- oil
- oppress
- out of order
- outrage
- outraged
- overcome
- overrefined
- overripe
- overthrow
- overturn
- pan
- pander
- pare
- pauperize
- pay court
- penitent
- perish
- perturb
- perverse
- pervert
- perverted
- phony up
- pillage
- plane
- plant
- plaster
- play down
- play up to
- played out
- plunder
- poison
- pollute
- polluted
- poor
- poor-mouth
- pop one's balloon
- prejudice
- press
- profane
- profaned
- profligate
- prostitute
- prostrate
- provoke
- pull down
- put a whammy on
- put away
- put double whammy on
- put down
- put one away
- put out of countenance
- put to shame
- put to sleep
- putrefy
- putrid
- queer
- radioactivate
- rag on
- rank
- rap
- rape
- ravage
- ravish
- raze
- rebate
- recede
- reduce
- reduce to tears
- reflect on
- regress
- regretful
- relapse
- relax
- reliant
- reluctant
- relying on
- render worthless
- repellent
- repentant
- reprehensible
- reproach
- reprobate
- repugnant
- repulsive
- retrograde
- retrogress
- retrogressive
- revalue
- reverse
- revile
- revolting
- ridicule
- rip
- rip up
- roast
- roll
- roll back
- rot
- rotten
- rough up
- round
- ruin
- rule out
- run down
- sabotage
- sack
- sadden
- salt
- sap
- savage
- scale down
- scandalous
- scoff
- scorch
- scorn
- scourge
- scrape
- scuzz up
- secondary
- sedate
- seduce
- shame
- shamed
- shamefaced
- shameful
- shameless
- shave
- sheepish
- shocking
- shoot down
- shorten
- shy
- sick
- sickening
- silence
- sinful
- sink
- sinking
- skid
- skin alive
- slam
- slander
- slash
- slaver
- sleazy
- slide
- slight
- slim
- slow
- slow down
- slur
- smash
- smear
- smirch
- smoke
- smooth
- smudge
- smutch
- smutty
- sneer
- snow
- snub
- soak
- soft
- soften
- soil
- sophisticate
- sore
- sorry
- spatter
- speak ill of
- spent
- spike
- spoil
- spoliate
- spot
- spread out
- squalid
- square
- squash
- squelch
- stain
- stammering
- step down
- step on one's toes
- stigmatize
- stinking
- stoop
- straighten
- strike dumb
- stroke
- stupefy
- stuttering
- subdue
- submissive
- submit
- subordinate
- suborn
- subvert
- succumb
- sullied
- sully
- supersede
- supplant
- suppress
- swear
- sweat
- swerve
- taint
- tainted
- take apart
- take down
- take down a peg
- take off weight
- talk dirty
- tamper with
- taper
- taper off
- tar
- tar and feather
- tarnish
- taunt
- tear down
- tear into
- tease
- temper
- tempt
- thin
- thin out
- throw cold water on
- tied to apron strings
- tinge
- tint
- tire
- toady
- tone down
- topple
- torment
- torture
- total
- totter
- traduce
- trample
- transfuse
- trash
- tremble
- trim
- trouble
- truckle
- truncate
- try
- tumble
- turn
- turn down
- turn one off
- tweak
- twist
- twisted
- ugly
- ulcer
- unchaste
- unclean
- uncleanly
- under
- under thumb
- underestimate
- undermine
- underrate
- undervalue
- undo
- unethical
- unfit
- unhealthy
- unnatural
- unprincipled
- unrefined
- unreliable
- unretentive
- unrighteous
- unsound
- unsustaining
- untamed
- unwholesome
- upset
- vanquish
- vex
- vice
- vicious
- vile
- villainous
- violate
- violent
- vitiate
- vitiated
- vituperate
- voodoo
- vulgar
- vulgarized
- vulnerable
- wane
- wanton
- warp
- warped
- washed-out
- waste
- waste away
- wasted
- water
- water down
- wayward
- weak
- weaken
- wear away
- weary
- weigh down
- weight
- weighted
- wicked
- wild
- wilt
- wind
- wind down
- wither
- woo
- worn out
- worsen
- worthless
- wreck
- wretched
- write down
- write off
- wrong
- yield
Définition of de-based
Origin :- 1560s, from de- "down" + base (adj.) "low," on analogy of abase (or, alternatively, from obsolete verb base "to abuse").
- As in impure : adj not clean mentally, physically; mixed
- As in ashamed : adj regretting, remorseful
- As in perverted : adj immoral, evil
- As in vicious : adj corrupt, wrong
- As in vile : adj offensive, horrible
- As in wicked : adj corrupt, bad
- As in debased : adj depraved
- As in degraded : adj disgraced
- As in unchaste : adj impure
- As in uncleanly : adj impure
- As in debauched : adj violated, corrupted
- As in decadent : adj corrupt, self-indulgent
- As in degenerate : adj corrupt, deteriorated
- As in dependent : adj weak, helpless
- As in depraved : adj corrupt, immoral
- As in effete : adj spoiled, exhausted
- As in faulty : adj not working; incorrect
- As in insult : verb abuse, offend
- As in lower : verb belittle, disgrace
- As in pervert : verb twist, turn away from what is acceptable or correct
- As in poison : verb contaminate, pollute
- As in pollute : verb make dirty; corrupt
- As in profane : verb defile, desecrate
- As in prostitute : verb to put one's talent to an unworthy use
- As in reduce : verb make less; decrease
- As in rot : verb corrode, deteriorate
- As in shame : verb disgrace, embarrass
- As in sink : verb be humble or humbled
- As in soil : verb make dirty
- As in spoil : verb ruin, hurt
- As in stain : verb dirty, taint
- As in subvert : verb rebel, destroy
- As in sully : verb soil, stain
- As in taint : verb dirty, contaminate; ruin
- As in vilify : verb criticize very harshly
- As in vitiate : verb hurt, corrupt
- As in warp : verb bend, distort
- As in weaken : verb reduce the strength of
- As in bow : verb bend over
- As in canker : verb blight, corrupt
- As in animalize : verb corrupt
- As in bestialize : verb brutalize
- As in brutalize : verb corrupt
- As in cheapen : verb diminish worth
- As in sophisticate : verb adulterate
- As in contaminate : verb adulterate
- As in corrupt : verb pervert; pollute
- As in debase : verb degrade, shame
- As in debase : verb adulterate
- As in debauch : verb deprave, corrupt
- As in defile : verb corrupt, violate
- As in degrade : verb shame, humiliate
- As in demean : verb humble, humiliate
- As in demoralize : verb corrupt, pervert
- As in deprave : verb corrupt, lead astray
- As in depress : verb deject, make despondent; exhaust
- As in depress : verb devalue
- As in deteriorate : verb decay, degenerate
- As in devalue : verb depreciate
- As in dirty : verb cause to be soiled
- As in disgrace : verb bring shame upon
- As in dishonor : verb shame, degrade
- As in doctor : verb adulterate, pervert
- As in dope : verb drug someone
- As in alloy : verb adulterate
- As in fawn : verb ingratiate oneself to; serve
- As in flatten : verb level out
- As in abase : verb deprive of self-esteem, confidence
- As in humble : verb shame, put down
- As in humiliate : verb embarrass, put down
- As in impair : verb harm, hinder
Antonyms for de-based
- accurate
- achieve
- activate
- adequate
- admire
- adorn
- aggravate
- agitate
- agree
- agreeable
- aid
- aiding
- allow
- amateur
- ample
- amplify
- animate
- appease
- appreciate
- approve
- ascend
- assist
- assisting
- attractive
- be indifferent
- be loyal
- be proud
- beautify
- behaved
- benefit
- benevolent
- better
- bleach
- bless
- blow up
- bold
- boost
- brave
- break
- build
- build up
- calm
- capable
- chaste
- chasten
- cheer
- cherish
- civilized
- clarify
- clean
- cleanse
- cleansed
- clear
- clear up
- clease
- combine
- comfort
- comforting
- commend
- complete
- compliment
- comply
- concentrate
- confident
- construct
- correct
- create
- credit
- cure
- decent
- decorate
- defend
- defiant
- delight
- deny
- desirous
- develop
- dignify
- disenchant
- disgust
- divide
- elevate
- embellish
- enable
- encourage
- energize
- enhance
- enlarge
- enlighten
- ennoble
- enough
- erect
- esteem
- exalt
- excite
- expand
- explain
- extend
- extol
- fail
- faultless
- favor
- fight
- first-class
- first-rate
- fix
- fixed
- flatter
- flawless
- float
- flourish
- force
- free
- friendly
- gentle
- get better
- glad
- glorify
- glorious
- go up
- good
- grow
- hallow
- happy
- harm
- heal
- healthy
- hearten
- heighten
- help
- helpful
- honest
- honor
- honorable
- humble
- hurt
- ignore
- immodest
- impeccable
- important
- improve
- improved
- incite
- increase
- independent
- injure
- innocent
- inspirit
- invigorate
- join
- joyful
- just
- kind
- laud
- leave alone
- lengthen
- lift
- lose
- major
- make good
- make happy
- make uneven
- mature
- mend
- mild
- mollify
- moral
- moralize
- neglect
- nice
- noble
- not mix
- not sorry
- obedient
- obey
- OK
- open
- order
- ornament
- overpower
- overrate
- overvalue
- pale
- perfect
- permit
- pleasant
- please
- pleasing
- praise
- preserve
- productive
- prolong
- promote
- protect
- pure
- purified
- purify
- push up
- put together
- raise
- refresh
- refuse
- regard
- reject
- release
- reliable
- repair
- represent
- repulse
- respect
- respectable
- reveal
- right
- righteous
- rise
- rise above
- round
- safe
- sanctify
- save
- schedule
- separate
- set up
- shameless
- soothe
- sound
- sterile
- sterilize
- stimulate
- straight
- straighten
- strengthen
- stretch
- strong
- succeed
- sufficient
- superior
- surrender
- tame
- tell truth
- thicken
- tireless
- treat well
- true
- turn off
- unbroken
- uncompress
- uncorrupt
- unite
- unmix
- unpolluted
- unregretful
- unreliant
- unremorseful
- unrepentant
- unself-conscious
- unshy
- upgrade
- uphold
- uplift
- upright
- useful
- valid
- value
- virtuous
- welcome
- well
- whiten
- wholesome
- win
- working
- worthwhile
- worthy
- yield
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019