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Synonyms for capers
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : key-per |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkeɪ pər |
Top 10 synonyms for capers Other synonyms for the word capers
Définition of capers
Origin :- by 1590s, "playful leap or jump," from caper (v.); meaning "prank" is from 1840; that of "crime" is from 1926. To cut capers "dance in a frolicsome way" is from c.1600.
- noun antic, lark
- verb frolic, cavort
- Take two large table-spoonfuls of capers and a little vinegar.
- Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
- With boiled mutton they are an excellent substitute for capers.
- Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
- Add some sweet herbs cut very fine, two onions sliced, the yolks of three or four hard eggs minced, and two spoonfuls of capers.
- Extract from : « The Cook and Housekeeper's Complete and Universal Dictionary; Including a System of Modern Cookery, in all Its Various Branches, » by Mary Eaton
- Her opinion of the Cape and Capers, 'specially me, was decided.
- Extract from : « Cape Cod Stories » by Joseph C. Lincoln
- He became as full of smiles and capers as the meanest sycophant.
- Extract from : « Bardelys the Magnificent » by Rafael Sabatini
- Or is it unkindness to let him see that I mislike his capers?
- Extract from : « The Tavern Knight » by Rafael Sabatini
- And what are the capers of this, my beast, compared to the antics of fate, Sir Priest?
- Extract from : « Lords of the North » by A. C. Laut
- Green Peppers can take the place of capers, if these are not at hand.
- Extract from : « The Italian Cook Book » by Maria Gentile
- They pickle them in Vinegar, as they do Capers and little Cucumbers.
- Extract from : « The Natural History of Chocolate » by D. de Quelus
- "Dat's de cretor's music, an' dem's de cretor's capers," replied Burl.
- Extract from : « Burl » by Morrison Heady
Antonyms for capers
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019