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Synonyms for button
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : buht-n |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈbʌt n |
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Définition of button
Origin :- c.1300 (surname Botouner "button-maker" attested from mid-13c.), from Old French boton "a button," originally "a bud" (12c., Modern French bouton), from bouter, boter "to thrust," common Romanic (cf. Spanish boton, Italian bottone), ultimately from Germanic (see butt (v.)). Thus a button is, etymologically, something that pushes up, or thrusts out.
- Meaning "point of the chin" is pugilistic slang, by 1921. A button as something you push to create an effect by closing an (electrical) circuit is attested from 1840s. Button-pusher as "deliberately annoying or provocative person" is attested by 1990 (in reference to Bill Gates, in "InfoWorld" magazine, Nov. 19). In the 1980s it meant "photographer."
- noun fastener
- noun pushbutton
- At night when the room grows dark we push a button and there is light.
- Extract from : « Ancient Man » by Hendrik Willem van Loon
- His expression grew morose, as again he pressed the button on his desk.
- Extract from : « Within the Law » by Marvin Dana
- He pressed the button on his desk, and, as the doorman appeared, addressed that functionary.
- Extract from : « Within the Law » by Marvin Dana
- He will prolong your life and loosen every button on your waistcoat.
- Extract from : « The Underdog » by F. Hopkinson Smith
- To indicate the effect, he included a galvanometer in the circuit of the battery and the button.
- Extract from : « Heroes of the Telegraph » by J. Munro
- The button of soot has vanished into the limbo of superseded inventions.
- Extract from : « Heroes of the Telegraph » by J. Munro
- Do you think the button at the top may have had a socket for a horse hair plume?
- Extract from : « Buried Cities: Pompeii, Olympia, Mycenae » by Jennie Hall
- Nevertheless, while Wat fumbled for the button that released the slide, he took a chance.
- Extract from : « Slaves of Mercury » by Nat Schachner
- Slowly, very slowly, he pressed the button to release the slide.
- Extract from : « Slaves of Mercury » by Nat Schachner
- But Hilary was in the lift, pressing the button for full speed down.
- Extract from : « Slaves of Mercury » by Nat Schachner
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abuttals
- abutted
- abutting
- bread and butter
- butt
- butt against
- butt/buttocks
- butt end
- butt in
- butte
- butter up
- butterball
- buttercup
- butterfingered
- butterfingers
- butterflies
- butterfly
- buttering up
- buttery
- butting
- buttinski
- buttocks
- button down
- button up
- buttoned down
- buttoned up
- buttonhole
- buttress
- had butterflies
- haddest butterflies
- hadst butterflies
- has butterflies
- hast butterflies
- have butterflies
- neat as a button
- neat as button
- ol' buttermilk sky
- on the button
- pain in the butt
- panic button
- push button
- push panic button
- push the button
- push the buttons
- pushing the panic button
- re buttal
- re-buttal
- re-buttals
- re buttals
- re butted
- re-butted
- re butting
- re-butting
- re-buttings
- re buttings
- rebuttal
- scuttlebutt
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