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Synonyms for banging

Grammar : Verb
Spell : bang
Phonetic Transcription : bæŋ

Top 10 synonyms for banging Other synonyms for the word banging

Définition of banging

Origin :
  • 1540s, "to strike hard with a loud blow," from a Scandinavian sourse akin to Old Norse banga "to pound, hammer" of echoic origin. Slang meaning "have sexual intercourse with" first recorded 1937. Bang-up "excellent, first-rate," 1820, probably shortened from phrase bang up to the mark. The noun is recorded from late 16c.
  • This is the way the world endsNot with a bang but a whimper[T.S. Eliot, "Hollow Men," 1925]
  • verb hit or knock loudly
  • verb moving by hitting hard
Example sentences :
  • Banging and ripping and tearing, the outer door was slowly forced.
  • Extract from : « The Silent Bullet » by Arthur B. Reeve
  • Banging it down on Muriels lap, she sprawled helplessly between Muriel and Veronica.
  • Extract from : « Marjorie Dean College Freshman » by Pauline Lester
  • Banging puffing, and grinding noises sounded all about the Stuffed Elephant.
  • Extract from : « The Story of a Stuffed Elephant » by Laura Lee Hope
  • Banging the desk angrily with his fist, he shouted: "I want something done!"
  • Extract from : « The Third Degree » by Charles Klein and Arthur Hornblow
  • Banging the door in the lad's face, he dashed along the passage and opened the kitchen door.
  • Extract from : « Mrs. Bindle » by Hebert Jenkins

Antonyms for banging

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019