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Synonyms for attorney general
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of attorney general
- noun chief legal officer
- Attorney General of the said State, on the 22d November, 1831.
- Extract from : « Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States, at January Term, 1832, Delivered by Mr. Chief Justice Marshall in the Case of Samuel A. Worcester, Plaintiff in Error, versus the State of Georgia » by John Marshall
- Read had been attorney general and was now a member of the council.
- Extract from : « Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period » by Various
- "The attorney general's office orders you to halt," the voice commanded.
- Extract from : « Eight Keys to Eden » by Mark Irvin Clifton
- This list was obtained from the office of the Attorney General of Massachusetts.
- Extract from : « The Journal of Negro History, Volume 5, 1920 » by Various
- These also were examined by me at the office of the Attorney General March 23, 1891.
- Extract from : « A Military Genius » by Sarah Ellen Blackwell
- The Attorney General is the chief law officer of the government.
- Extract from : « Citizenship » by Emma Guy Cromwell
- There is a train in an hour and thirty minutes, replied the Attorney General.
- Extract from : « The Sunset Trail » by Alfred Henry Lewis
- Mr. Solberg called attention to the unsatisfactory method of numbering Treasury decisions and decisions of the Attorney General.
- Extract from : « Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Library Association Held at Ottawa, Canada June 26-July 2, 1912 » by Various
- No one will question the integrity of the present attorney general.
- Extract from : « Monopolies and the People » by D. C. Cloud
- But the Attorney General seemed not to see it in precisely that light.
- Extract from : « A Mixture of Genius » by Arnold Castle
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abbot-general
- abiogenetic
- adjutant general
- agamogenetic
- attorney general
- Attorney General of the United States
- autogenetic
- averageness
- be generated
- be generous
- biogenetics
- captain general
- de generate
- de-generate
- de generated
- de-generated
- de-generates
- de generates
- de generating
- de-generation
- de generation
- de generations
- de-generations
- degenerate
- degenerating
- degeneration
- degenerative
- digenetic
- earlier generation
- gene
- gene-transmitted disease
- genealogical
- genealogical chart
- genealogical tree
- genealogy
- genera
- general
- general anesthetic
- general assembly
- general belief
- general delivery
- general education
- general expenses
- general headquarters
- general meaning
- general of the army
- general outlook
- general post office
- general practitioner
- general public
- general's adjutant
- general staff school
- general store
- general theory of relativity
- general truth
- general voice
- generalissimo
- generalities
- generality
- generalization
- generalizations
- generalize
- generalized
- generalizing
- generally
- generally accepted
- generally speaking
- generals
- generalship
- generate
- generated
- generates
- generating
- generating station
- generation
- generation-gap
- generation gap
- Generation X
- generation-x
- generations
- generative
- generative capacity
- generative force
- generator
- generators
- generic
- generosity
- generous
- generous giver
- generous givers
- generousness
- genes
- genesiological
- genesiology
- genesis
- genetic
- genetic abnormality
- genetic code
- genetic counseling
- genetic disorder
- genetic engineering
- genetic-engineering
- genetic make-up
- genetic make up
- genetic make-ups
- genetic make ups
- genetic makeup
- genetic makeups
- genetic modification
- genetic screening
- genetically
- genetics
- heterogeneity
- heterogeneous
- homogeneity
- homogeneous
- in a general way
- in genes
- in the genes
- indigene
- ingenerate
- largeness
- new generation
- new generations
- next generation
- next generations
- not general
- ontogenesis
- operator gene
- out generals
- outgeneral
- parthenogenetic
- phylogenetic
- phytogenetic
- re generate
- re-generate
- re-generated
- re generated
- re generates
- re-generates
- re generating
- re-generating
- re generation
- re-generation
- re-generations
- re generations
- regeneration
- registered general nurse
- strangeness
- ungenerous
- unregenerate
- xenogenetic
- abattoir
- abattoirs
- Attorney General of the United States
- be attorney for
- defense-attorney
- defense attorney
- district attorney
- flattop
- prosecuting attorney
- shrewd attorney
- tattoo
- tattooed
- tattooing
- tattoos
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