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Synonyms for approximal
Sorry, there is no synonym available for approximal.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- acknowledging appreciation
- appraisal
- appraise
- appraiser
- appreciable
- appreciate
- appreciation
- appreciative
- apprehend
- apprehension
- apprehensive
- apprehensively
- apprentice
- apprenticed
- apprise
- apprised
- apprize
- approach
- approachable
- approached
- approaches
- approaching
- approbate
- approbation
- appropriate
- appropriately
- appropriateness
- appropriating
- appropriation
- approval
- approve
- approved
- approving
- approximate
- approximate to
- approximately
- approximation
- be appreciative
- be apprehensive
- be apprehensive of
- be apprised of
- be appropriate
- disapprobation
- disapproval
- disapprove
- disapproved
- disapprover
- disapproving
- disapprovingly
- fast-approaching
- gave stamp approval give go-ahead
- gave stamp approval give go ahead
- gave stamp approval give goahead
- gave stamp approval give the go-ahead
- gave stamp approval give the go ahead
- gave stamp of approval give go-ahead
- gave stamp of approval give go ahead
- gave stamp of approval give goahead
- gave stamp of approval give the go-ahead
- gave stamp of approval give the go ahead
- gave stamp of approval give the goahead
- give stamp of approval
- in appreciable
- in approachable
- in appropriate
- in appropriateness
- in appropriatenesses
- inappreciable
- inappropriate
- inappropriately
- inappropriateness
- misapprehend
- misapprehension
- more appropriate
- not appreciate
- not appreciated
- not approved
- on approval
- peaceful approach
- rapprochement
- seal of approval
- stamp of approval
- un appreciated
- un appreciative
- un approachable
- unappropriated land
- unapproved