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Synonyms for algorithms

Grammar : Noun
Spell : al-guh-rith-uh m
Phonetic Transcription : ˈæl gəˌrɪð əm

Top 10 synonyms for algorithms Other synonyms for the word algorithms

Définition of algorithms

Origin :
  • 1690s, from French algorithme, refashioned (under mistaken connection with Greek arithmos "number") from Old French algorisme "the Arabic numeral system" (13c.), from Medieval Latin algorismus, a mangled transliteration of Arabic al-Khwarizmi "native of Khwarazm," surname of the mathematician whose works introduced sophisticated mathematics to the West (see algebra). The earlier form in Middle English was algorism (early 13c.), from Old French.
  • As in discovery : noun treasure; invention
Example sentences :
  • In today's terminology, we can look at myths as algorithms of practical life.
  • Extract from : « The Civilization of Illiteracy » by Mihai Nadin

Antonyms for algorithms

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019