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Synonyms for ad-hoc

Grammar : Adj
Spell : ad hok; Latin ahd hohk
Phonetic Transcription : æd ˈhɒk; Latin ɑd ˈhoʊk

Top 10 synonyms for ad-hoc Other synonyms for the word ad-hoc

Définition of ad-hoc

Origin :
  • Latin, literally "for this (specific purpose)."
  • As in quick-and-dirty : adj done faster and easier but slipshod
Example sentences :
  • Any ad-hoc this tight could pull off anything if it advanced their agenda.
  • Extract from : « Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom » by Cory Doctorow
  • One at a time, the rest of her ad-hoc moved forward and joined them.
  • Extract from : « Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom » by Cory Doctorow

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