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List of antonyms from "in nick of time" to antonyms from "in one pocket"

Discover our 825 antonyms available for the terms "in on the ground floor, in no time, in offensive, in one place another, in olden days" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.

Definition of the day : « in nocent »

  • As in inexperienced : adj unskilled, unfamiliar
  • As in ingenuous : adj honest, trustful
  • As in innocent : adj blameless
  • As in innocent : adj harmless, naive
  • As in innocuous : adj harmless
  • As in inoffensive : adj not obnoxious; harmless
  • As in irreproachable : adj innocent
  • As in lawful : adj allowable, legitimate
  • As in legal : adj allowable, permissible
  • As in legitimate : adj authentic, valid, legal
  • As in artless : adj simple
  • As in moral : adj ethical, honest
  • As in naive : adj childlike, trusting
  • As in natural : adj open, unaffected
  • As in open : adj honest, objective
  • As in pure : adj virginal, chaste
  • As in righteous : adj good, honest
  • As in safe : adj not dangerous
  • As in trusting : adj trustful
  • As in unsophisticated : adj natural, simple
  • As in unsuspecting : adj gullible
  • As in unwitting : adj without fully realizing
  • As in unworldly : adj not sophisticated; inexperienced
  • As in virgin/virginal : adj brand-new, unused
  • As in wholesome : adj healthy, decent
  • As in blameless : adj not responsible
  • As in boyish : adj youthful
  • As in squeaky clean : adj full of integrity
  • As in sinless : adj free from sin
  • As in born yesterday : adj new
  • As in inculpable : adj blameless
  • As in sinless : adj blameless
  • As in arcadian : adj pastoral
  • As in cherubic : adj angelic
  • As in chaste : adj pure, incorrupt
  • As in childish : adj immature, silly
  • As in exploitable : adj easy
  • As in irreprehensible : adj exemplary
  • As in legit : adj lawful
  • As in lily-white : adj exemplary
  • As in nescient : adj ignorant
  • As in pietistic : adj holy
  • As in pietistical : adj holy
  • As in clean : adj chaste, virtuous
  • As in prayerful : adj holy
  • As in clear : adj not guilty
  • As in unblamable : adj exemplary
  • As in uninitiate : adj inexperienced
  • As in uninstructed : adj ignorant
  • As in unoffensive : adj harmless
  • As in unpracticed : adj inexperienced
  • As in unscholarly : adj ignorant
  • As in virginal : adj chaste
  • As in devoid : adj empty, wanting
  • As in exemplary : adj ideal
  • As in faultless : adj having nothing wrong with it
  • As in angelic : adj sweet, kind, and usually beautiful
  • As in good : adj moral, virtuous
  • As in green : adj inexperienced
  • As in guileless : adj honest
  • As in guiltless : adj blameless, not responsible
  • As in gullible : adj naive, trusting
  • As in harmless : adj not injurious or dangerous
  • As in holy : adj religious, sacred
  • As in ignorant : adj unaware, unknowing
  • As in impeccable : adj above suspicion; flawless
  • As in victim : noun someone or something sacrificed, preyed upon
  • As in babe in the woods : noun dupable person
  • As in child : noun very young person
  • As in mooncalf : noun fool
  • As in ninny : noun fool
  • As in schmo : noun fool
  • As in schmuck : noun fool
  • As in softhead : noun fool
  • As in tomfool : noun fool
  • As in tot : noun child
  • As in turkey : noun fool
  • As in fool : noun stupid or ridiculous person