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List of antonyms from "in corporation" to antonyms from "in criminates"

Discover our 2099 antonyms available for the terms "in corruptibility, in corporeal, in corporation, in corrigible, in corruptibilities, in creasing" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.

Definition of the day : « in creasing »

  • As in progressive : adj liberal; growing
  • As in increasing : adj becoming larger
  • As in increasing : adj becoming more intense
  • As in rising : adj climbing
  • As in sequent : adj consecutive
  • As in successional : adj consecutive
  • As in consecutive : adj in sequence
  • As in cumulative : adj accruing; growing in size or effect
  • As in exacerbation : noun intensification
  • As in persistency : noun continuation
  • As in addition : noun process of conjoining, adding
  • As in addition : noun arithmetical process of augmentation
  • As in totalization : noun addition
  • As in unfolding : noun development
  • As in continuation : noun addition; maintenance
  • As in development : noun growth
  • As in improve : verb make or become better
  • As in increase : verb add or grow
  • As in inflame : verb anger, aggravate
  • As in intensify : verb make more forceful, severe
  • As in lengthen : verb extend
  • As in luxuriate : verb indulge, prosper
  • As in magnify : verb enlarge, intensify
  • As in mushroom : verb sprout; grow quickly
  • As in pad : verb elaborate, amplify
  • As in pick up : verb improve
  • As in augment : verb make greater; improve
  • As in progress : verb improve, advance
  • As in prolong : verb extend, draw out
  • As in promote : verb give a higher position in organization
  • As in propagate : verb breed, reproduce
  • As in prosper : verb be fortunate; succeed
  • As in quicken : verb make faster; invigorate
  • As in recover : verb improve in health
  • As in reinforce : verb strengthen, augment
  • As in spread : verb open or fan out
  • As in step up : verb accelerate
  • As in strengthen : verb make more forceful, powerful
  • As in supplement : verb add to
  • As in swell : verb become larger
  • As in thrive : verb do well
  • As in upgrade : verb improve
  • As in wax : verb become large, fuller
  • As in whet : verb arouse, excite
  • As in widen : verb open up
  • As in beef up : verb strengthen
  • As in branch off : verb extend
  • As in accrue : verb increase by addition or growth, often financial
  • As in boom : verb prosper
  • As in accumulate : verb gather or amass something
  • As in branch off/branch out : verb extend beyond main part
  • As in broaden : verb extend, supplement
  • As in redouble : verb reinforce
  • As in build up : verb amplify, advertise
  • As in bump : verb increment
  • As in up : verb elevate
  • As in burgeon : verb bloom
  • As in eke : verb lengthen
  • As in up : verb boost
  • As in outstretch : verb spread
  • As in prolongate : verb lengthen
  • As in ramify : verb branch
  • As in uprise : verb get up
  • As in vitalize : verb quicken
  • As in come on : verb advance, progress
  • As in deepen : verb make more intense
  • As in aggrandize : verb cause something to seem or be greater, bigger
  • As in aggravate : verb cause to become worse
  • As in dilate : verb stretch, widen
  • As in distend : verb bulge, swell
  • As in double : verb make two of; make twice as large
  • As in elevate : verb promote; augment
  • As in enhance : verb improve, embellish
  • As in evolve : verb develop, progress
  • As in exacerbate : verb infuriate; make worse
  • As in expand : verb extend, augment
  • As in extend : verb make larger, longer
  • As in fan : verb provoke
  • As in fatten : verb grow or make bigger; nourish
  • As in flourish : verb grow, prosper
  • As in gain : verb acquire, win
  • As in get up : verb mount; get out of bed
  • As in grow : verb become larger, evolve
  • As in heap : verb amass, collect in pile
  • As in heighten : verb intensify