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Definition of the day : « immure »

  • verb confine
Example sentences :
  • "Load them with heavy fetters and immure them in a dungeon," said Governor Jefferson.
  • Extract from : « The Conquest » by Eva Emery Dye
  • He did not immure himself, or cut himself off from human companionship.
  • Extract from : « Fourteenth Century Verse & Prose » by Various
  • You, who are so gay, so full of life and health and exuberant spirits, immure yourself in a cloister!
  • Extract from : « Which? » by Ernest Daudet
  • The Resurrection Man entered first, and advanced into the middle of a small arched cell—a stone tomb, built to immure the living!
  • Extract from : « The Mysteries of London, v. 1/4 » by George W. M. Reynolds
  • It never forged a chain to bind a heretic or an adversary, nor erected a prison to immure him.
  • Extract from : « The Sheepfold and the Common, Vol. II (of 2) » by Timothy East
  • Such a trick of fate, to take a man of important affairs, and immure him at the mercy of a maniac in a God-forsaken coal-town!
  • Extract from : « King Coal » by Upton Sinclair
  • It was customary at that period to immure prisoners in solitary confinement.
  • Extract from : « History of the Great American Fortunes, Vol. I » by Myers Gustavus
  • Kings themselves were wont thus to immure the wives and daughters of defeated rebels.
  • Extract from : « Medieval English Nunneries c. 1275 to 1535 » by Eileen Edna Power
  • The Eastern monarch may immure himself in his harem, casting the burdens of state upon the shoulders of a grand vizier.
  • Extract from : « The New World of Islam » by Lothrop Stoddard
  • Have they not forced him to immure himself here in the hills, when he should by rights be reigning in Rome?
  • Extract from : « The Saracen: Land of the Infidel » by Robert Shea