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List of antonyms from "re-casting" to antonyms from "re cessions"
Discover our 2123 antonyms available for the terms "re-cesses, re cesses, re casts, re-cessions" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.
- Re-casting (32 antonyms)
- Re casting (32 antonyms)
- Re-casts (32 antonyms)
- Re casts (32 antonyms)
- Re-cede (124 antonyms)
- Re cede (124 antonyms)
- Re-ceded (124 antonyms)
- Re ceded (124 antonyms)
- Re-cedes (124 antonyms)
- Re cedes (124 antonyms)
- Re-ceding (140 antonyms)
- Re ceding (140 antonyms)
- Re cent (88 antonyms)
- Re-cent (88 antonyms)
- Re cess (118 antonyms)
- Re cessed (58 antonyms)
- Re-cessed (58 antonyms)
- Re cesses (118 antonyms)
- Re-cesses (118 antonyms)
- Re-cessing (45 antonyms)
- Re cession (70 antonyms)
- Re-cession (70 antonyms)
- Re-cessions (70 antonyms)
- Re cessions (70 antonyms)
Definition of the day : « re-ceded »
- As in lapse : verb become void; fall back into previous pattern
- As in abate : verb lessen, grow or cause to grow less
- As in peter out : verb dwindle, decrease
- As in back : verb put in reverse direction
- As in recede : verb withdraw; diminish
- As in reduce : verb make less; decrease
- As in regress : verb return to earlier way of doing things
- As in retire : verb leave a place or responsibility
- As in retract : verb take back; renege on
- As in retreat : verb pull back, go away
- As in shrink : verb recoil, shy away
- As in subside : verb die down; decrease
- As in taper/taper off : verb decrease to a point
- As in withdraw : verb remove something or someone from situation
- As in back off : verb retreat
- As in taper : verb decrease
- As in retrocede : verb back
- As in superannuate : verb retire
- As in contract : verb condense
- As in decline : verb lessen, become less
- As in die : verb wither, dwindle
- As in diminish : verb become or cause to be less
- As in dip : verb lower, descend
- As in disappear : verb vanish; cease
- As in draw back : verb retract from position
- As in ebb : verb subside; decline
- As in fall : verb descend; become lower
- As in fall back : verb retreat
- As in flinch : verb shy away, wince
- As in give : verb yield, collapse
- Afterwards that portion which came from her was re-ceded to Virginia.
- Extract from : « A Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Sessions of the Conference Convention » by Lucius Eugene Chittenden