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List of antonyms from "pushing around" to antonyms from "put chill on"

Discover our 769 antonyms available for the terms "pussycat, pushing the panic button, put a lock on, put away, put a stop to" and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the antonyms associated with it.

Definition of the day : « pussycat »

  • As in unoffensive : adj harmless
  • As in agreeable : adj pleasing
  • As in amiable : adj friendly, agreeable
  • As in harmless : adj not injurious or dangerous
  • As in kitten : noun young cat
  • As in sex kitten : noun sexy girl
Example sentences :
  • Papa was the Pussycat and she was the little mouse in her hole under the bed-clothes.
  • Extract from : « Life and Death of Harriett Frean » by May Sinclair
  • "I noticed the Owl and the Pussycat moored at the pier as we came by," he said.
  • Extract from : « Horace Chase » by Constance Fenimore Woolson
  • Thus the tiger has converted the man, in his own mind, to a state as nerveless as the pussycat's.
  • Extract from : « Autobiography of a YOGI » by Paramhansa Yogananda
  • He's got a head on him like an observation balloon and a tongue that feels like a pussycat's back.
  • Extract from : « Torchy As A Pa » by Sewell Ford