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Antonyms for tele scoping

Grammar : Verb
Spell : tel-uh-skohp
Phonetic Transcription : ˈtɛl əˌskoʊp

Definition of tele scoping

Origin :
  • 1640s, from Italian telescopio (used by Galileo, 1611), and Modern Latin telescopium (used by Kepler, 1613), both from Greek teleskopos "far-seeing," from tele- "far" (see tele-) + -skopos "seeing" (see -scope). Said to have been coined by Prince Cesi, founder and head of the Roman Academy of the Lincei (Galileo was a member). Used in English in Latin form from 1619.
  • As in compress : verb compact, condense
  • As in condense : verb abridge
  • As in fold : verb lay in creases

Synonyms for tele scoping

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