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Antonyms for tearjerking
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : teer-jur-ker |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈtɪərˌdʒɜr kər |
- advantageous
- apathetic
- blessed
- boring
- bright
- calm
- cheerful
- cold
- cool
- delighted
- dull
- encouraging
- familiar
- fortunate
- frigid
- glad
- good
- great
- happy
- hard
- hard-hearted
- hopeful
- impassive
- indifferent
- joyful
- light
- lucky
- matter-of-fact
- mature
- numb
- ordinary
- physical
- plain
- pleasant
- pleasing
- pragmatic
- real
- realistic
- repulsive
- right
- serious
- stiff
- unaffecting
- uncaring
- unemotional
- unenthusiastic
- unexcited
- unexciting
- unfeeling
- unimaginative
- uninteresting
- unmoving
- unromantic
- unsentimental
- usual
- worthwhile
Definition of tearjerking
- As in maudlin : adj teary, overemotional
- As in mawkish : adj sentimental, emotional
- As in mushy : adj romantic, corny
- As in romantic : adj sentimental, idealistic
- As in sad : adj unfortunate, distressing
- As in sentimental : adj emotional, romantic
- As in sorrowful : adj very upset; grieving
- As in touching : adj affecting, moving emotionally
- As in schmaltzy : adj sentimental
- As in slushy : adj sentimental
- As in sobby : adj sentimental
- As in soppy : adj sentimental
- As in soupy : adj sentimental
- As in tear-jerking : adj sentimental
- As in emotional : adj demonstrative about feelings
- As in heartrending : adj arousing deep sympathy
Synonyms for tearjerking
- adventurous
- affected
- affecting
- affectionate
- afflicted
- agonizing
- amorous
- ardent
- bad
- bathetic
- befuddled
- calamitous
- charming
- chimerical
- chivalrous
- cloying
- colorful
- compassionate
- confused
- cornball
- corny
- daring
- dark
- dejected
- dejecting
- demonstrative
- deplorable
- depressed
- depressing
- dewy-eyed
- disastrous
- discomposing
- disconsolate
- discouraging
- disheartening
- dismal
- dispiriting
- distressing
- disturbed
- doleful
- dolent
- dreamy
- dreary
- drippy
- ecstatic
- effusive
- emotional
- emotive
- enchanting
- enthusiastic
- erotic
- excitable
- exciting
- excruciating
- exotic
- extravagant
- fairy-tale
- falling apart
- fanatical
- fanciful
- fantastic
- fascinating
- feeble
- feeling
- fervent
- fervid
- fickle
- fiery
- fond
- full of sorrow
- funereal
- glamorous
- gooey
- grave
- grievous
- gushing
- gushy
- hapless
- harrowing
- heart-rending
- heartbreaking
- heartbroken
- heartrending
- heartsickening
- heartwarming
- heated
- heavy-hearted
- histrionic
- hot-blooded
- hurting
- hysterical
- idealistic
- idyllic
- impassioned
- impetuous
- impractical
- impressionable
- impressive
- impulsive
- in mourning
- in pain
- in sorrow
- inane
- insipid
- irrational
- jejune
- joyless
- lachrymose
- lamentable
- languishing
- lovey-dovey
- loving
- lugubrious
- maudlin
- mawkish
- melancholic
- melancholy
- melting
- mind-blowing
- miserable
- moonstruck
- mournful
- moving
- mushy
- mysterious
- nauseating
- nervous
- nostalgic
- oppressive
- overacted
- overemotional
- overwrought
- painful
- passionate
- pathetic
- picturesque
- piteous
- pitiable
- pitiful
- plaintive
- poetic
- poignant
- quixotic
- regrettable
- responsive
- romantic
- rosewater
- roused
- rueful
- ruthful
- saccharine
- sad
- saddening
- sappy
- schmaltzy
- sensitive
- sentient
- sentimental
- serious
- shabby
- sick at heart
- sickening
- silly
- simpering
- singing the blues
- sloppy
- slush
- slushy
- soap
- soapy
- sobby
- soft
- softhearted
- soppy
- sorry
- spontaneous
- starry-eyed
- stirred
- stirring
- stunning
- sugary
- susceptible
- sweet
- sympathetic
- syrupy
- tear-jerking
- tearful
- teary
- temperamental
- tender
- thrilling
- touching
- tragic
- unhappy
- unrealistic
- unsatisfactory
- upsetting
- utopian
- vapid
- visionary
- warm
- weak
- weepy
- wet
- whimsical
- wild
- wistful
- woebegone
- woeful
- wretched
- zealous
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