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Antonyms for rhetoric

Grammar : Noun
Spell : ret-er-ik
Phonetic Transcription : ˈrɛt ər ɪk

Definition of rhetoric

Origin :
  • early 14c., from Old French rethorique, from Latin rhetorice, from Greek rhetorike techne "art of an orator," from rhetor (genitive rhetoros) "speaker, orator, teacher of rhetoric," related to rhesis "speech," rhema "word, phrase, verb," literally "that which is spoken," from PIE *wre-tor-, from root *were- "to speak" (cf. Old English word, Latin verbum, Greek eirein "to say;" see verb).
  • noun wordiness; long speech
Example sentences :
  • But the art, as far as there is an art, of rhetoric does not lie in the direction of Lysias or Thrasymachus.
  • Extract from : « Phaedrus » by Plato
  • We see therefore that even in rhetoric an element of truth is required.
  • Extract from : « Phaedrus » by Plato
  • This is not an easy task, and this, if there be such an art, is the art of rhetoric.
  • Extract from : « Phaedrus » by Plato
  • But the art is not that which is taught in the schools of rhetoric; it is nearer akin to philosophy.
  • Extract from : « Phaedrus » by Plato
  • But I still want to know where and how the true art of rhetoric and persuasion is to be acquired.
  • Extract from : « Phaedrus » by Plato
  • But I will proceed to the other speech, which, as I think, is also suggestive to students of rhetoric.
  • Extract from : « Phaedrus » by Plato
  • And I am going to ask—what is this power of persuasion which is given by rhetoric, and about what?
  • Extract from : « Gorgias » by Plato
  • To what class of things do the words which rhetoric uses relate?
  • Extract from : « Gorgias » by Plato
  • Or will you be unable to teach him rhetoric at all, unless he knows the truth of these things first?
  • Extract from : « Gorgias » by Plato
  • Rhetoric, according to my view, is the ghost or counterfeit of a part of politics.
  • Extract from : « Gorgias » by Plato

Synonyms for rhetoric

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