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Antonyms for ran along

Grammar : Verb
Spell : ruhn
Phonetic Transcription : rʌn

Definition of ran along

Origin :
  • the modern verb is a merger of two related Old English words, in both of which the first letters sometimes switched places. The first is intransitive rinnan, irnan "to run, flow, run together" (past tense ran, past participle runnen), cognate with (cf. Middle Dutch runnen, Old Saxon, Old High German, Gothic rinnan, German rinnen "to flow, run").
  • The second is Old English transitive weak verb ærnan, earnan "ride, run to, reach, gain by running" (probably a metathesis of *rennan), from Proto-Germanic *rannjanan, causative of the root *ren- "to run." This is cognate with Old Saxon renian, Old High German rennen, German rennen, Gothic rannjan.
  • Both are from PIE *ri-ne-a-, nasalized form of root *reie- "to flow, run" (see Rhine).
  • Of streams, etc., from c.1200; of machinery, from 1560s. Meaning "be in charge of" is first attested 1861, originally American English. Meaning "seek office in an election" is from 1826, American English. Phrase run for it "take flight" is attested from 1640s. Many figurative uses are from horseracing or hunting (e.g. to run (something) into the ground, 1836, American English).
  • To run across "meet" is attested from 1855, American English. To run short "exhaust one's supply" is from 1752; to run out of in the same sense is from 1713. To run around with "consort with" is from 1887. Run away "flee in the face of danger" is from late 14c. To run late is from 1954.
  • As in leave : verb depart, abandon physically
  • As in retire : verb leave a place or responsibility
  • As in shove off : verb leave quickly
  • As in withdraw : verb remove something or someone from situation
  • As in superannuate : verb retire
  • As in go : verb advance, proceed physically
Example sentences :
  • He rang the bell, went into the park, and ran along the avenue to the perch.
  • Extract from : « Henry Dunbar » by M. E. Braddon
  • "What a lot of folly they have allowed me to perpetrate," he muttered as he ran along.
  • Extract from : « The Fortune of the Rougons » by Emile Zola
  • Then they ran along the second tier of roofs beneath the open heavens.
  • Extract from : « The Fat and the Thin » by Emile Zola
  • A half smile, quickly subdued as I came near, ran along the party.
  • Extract from : « Arthur O'Leary » by Charles James Lever
  • Then, with lightning's speed, I ran along the deck, and out on the bowsprit.
  • Extract from : « Tom Burke Of "Ours", Volume II (of II) » by Charles James Lever
  • Wilkinson exclaimed, as he and Edgar ran along by the side of the sailors.
  • Extract from : « At Aboukir and Acre » by George Alfred Henty
  • As they ran along beside him Carmena untwisted her revolver from the tourniquet.
  • Extract from : « Bloom of Cactus » by Robert Ames Bennet
  • Lura avoided his rush and ran along the side of the room, Glavour in pursuit.
  • Extract from : « Giants on the Earth » by Sterner St. Paul Meek
  • We ran along the road, skirting the edge of the little town.
  • Extract from : « Beyond the Vanishing Point » by Raymond King Cummings
  • We ran along the base of one expanding wall, following Glora.
  • Extract from : « Beyond the Vanishing Point » by Raymond King Cummings

Synonyms for ran along

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019