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Antonyms for lay upon
Grammar : Verb |
Definition of lay upon
- As in give : verb contribute, supply, transfer
Synonyms for lay upon
- accord
- administer
- allow
- ante up
- award
- bequeath
- bestow
- cede
- come across
- commit
- confer
- consign
- convey
- deed
- deliver
- dish out
- dispense
- dispose of
- dole out
- donate
- endow
- entrust
- fork over
- furnish
- gift
- grant
- hand down
- hand out
- hand over
- heap upon
- lavish upon
- lay upon
- lease
- let have
- make over
- parcel out
- part with
- pass down
- pass out
- permit
- pony up
- present
- provide
- relinquish
- remit
- sell
- shell out
- subsidize
- throw in
- tip
- transmit
- turn over
- vouchsafe
- will
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