Find the synonyms or antonyms of a word
Antonyms for in tuition
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : in-too-ish-uh n, -tyoo- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌɪn tuˈɪʃ ən, -tyu- |
- actuality
- amazement
- ambiguity
- amnesia
- apathy
- astonishment
- being
- blindness
- body
- calculation
- calm
- calmness
- carelessness
- certainty
- concrete
- confusion
- coolness
- corporeality
- cruelty
- denseness
- disagreement
- disbelief
- disdain
- disinclination
- dislike
- disregard
- disrespect
- distrust
- doubt
- existence
- fact
- fear
- frigidity
- harshness
- hate
- hatred
- heedlessness
- hindsight
- ignorance
- inability
- inanity
- incapacity
- incompetence
- indecision
- indifference
- ineptness
- insensibility
- insensitivity
- knowledge
- lack
- lethargy
- meanness
- measurement
- mercilessness
- misinterpretation
- misjudgment
- mistake
- misunderstanding
- need
- neglect
- negligence
- nonbelief
- numbness
- obtuseness
- physicality
- proof
- reality
- reason
- reasoning
- sensation
- senselessness
- sightlessness
- solid
- stupidity
- substance
- surprise
- thing
- thoughtlessness
- trust
- truth
- uncertainty
- unconsciousness
- unreadiness
- unsoundness
- vacancy
- vacuity
- weakness
- wonder
Definition of in tuition
Origin :- mid-15c., from Late Latin intuitionem (nominative intuitio) "a looking at, consideration," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin intueri "look at, consider," from in- "at, on" (see in- (2)) + tueri "to look at, watch over" (see tuition).
- As in insight : noun intuitiveness, awareness
- As in instinct : noun gut feeling, idea
- As in intellect : noun capability of the mind; someone with capable mind
- As in intuition : noun insight
- As in judgment : noun common sense
- As in mind : noun intelligence
- As in notion : noun belief, idea
- As in precognition : noun clairvoyance
- As in premonition : noun feeling that an event is about to occur
- As in presentiment : noun anticipation, expectation
- As in sense : noun awareness, perception
- As in sensibility : noun responsiveness; ability to feel
- As in sixth sense : noun extrasensory perception
- As in thought : noun formation of mental objects
- As in thought : noun idea, concept
- As in belief : noun putting regard in as true
- As in understanding : noun comprehension, appreciation
- As in vision : noun mental image, concept
- As in lateral thinking : noun problem-solving heuristic
- As in third eye : noun sensory structure
- As in value judgment : noun assessment about values
- As in ESP : noun keen perception
- As in acumen : noun ability to understand and reason
- As in intuitiveness : noun instinct
- As in rumination : noun thought
- As in extrasensory perception : noun psychic power
- As in feeling : noun a state of mind, often strong
- As in anticipation : noun readiness; forethought
- As in hunch : noun feeling, idea
Synonyms for in tuition
- ability
- acceptance
- action
- acuity
- acumen
- acuteness
- admission
- affection
- aim
- angle
- anticipation
- anxiety
- apperception
- appreciation
- apprehending
- apprehension
- apprehensiveness
- approach
- aptitude
- ardor
- aspect
- aspiration
- assent
- assessment
- assimilation
- association of ideas
- assumption
- assurance
- astuteness
- atmosphere
- attention
- attentiveness
- auguration
- augury
- aura
- avowal
- awareness
- axiom
- behavior
- belief
- bias
- boding
- brain
- brainchild
- brainpower
- brains
- brainstorm
- brainwork
- breadth of view
- brilliance
- capacity
- caring
- castles in the air
- cerebration
- certainty
- clairvoyance
- clear-headedness
- cleverness
- click
- clue
- cogitation
- cognition
- cognizance
- common sense
- compassion
- comprehension
- conceit
- concept
- conception
- concern
- concluding
- conclusion
- confidence
- conjecture
- consciousness
- consideration
- considering
- contemplation
- conviction
- creativity
- credence
- credit
- cue
- cultivation
- culture
- cunning
- daydream
- decipherment
- deducing
- deduction
- deliberation
- delicacy
- deriving
- design
- discerning
- discernment
- discomposure
- discrimination
- disquietude
- disturbance
- divination
- dream
- drift
- egghead
- emotion
- empathy
- estimation
- ethics
- evaluative criticism
- excogitation
- expectation
- experience
- extra sensory perception
- extrasensory perception
- facet
- faculty
- faith
- fancy
- fantasy
- farsightedness
- fear
- feel
- feeling
- feeling in bones
- feeling in one's bones
- fervor
- flash
- fondness
- foreboding
- forecast
- foreknowledge
- foreseeing
- foresight
- foretaste
- forethought
- forewarning
- forewisdom
- fortune-telling
- function
- funny feeling
- genius
- gift
- glimmer
- good taste
- grasp
- grip
- guess
- guile
- gumption
- gut feeling
- gut reaction
- handwriting on wall
- head
- head trip
- heart
- heat
- heed
- hint
- hope
- hunch
- hypothesis
- idea
- idea association
- ideal
- ideality
- ideation
- image
- imagination
- impression
- impulse
- incisiveness
- inclination
- indication
- inducing
- inference
- inferring
- ingenuity
- inkling
- innate knowledge
- insight
- inspiration
- instinct
- intellect
- intellection
- intellectual
- intellectuality
- intelligence
- intensity
- intention
- intimation
- introspection
- intuition
- intuitionism
- intuitive reason
- intuitiveness
- intuitivism
- judging
- judgment
- keen intuition
- keenness
- ken
- kindness
- knack
- know-how
- knowing
- knowledge
- logic
- lucidity
- marbles
- mastery
- meditation
- mental picture
- mentality
- mind
- mindset
- misgiving
- morals
- muse
- musing
- nightmare
- nose
- notion
- object
- observation
- omen
- omination
- opinion
- outlook
- palpability
- passion
- pathos
- penetration
- perceiving
- perception
- perceptiveness
- perceptivity
- percipience
- perspective
- perspicacity
- perspicuity
- persuasion
- perturbation
- phantasm
- pie in the sky
- pipe dream
- pity
- plan
- point of view
- portent
- position
- postulation
- power
- preapprehension
- precognition
- preconceived notion
- preconception
- prediction
- predisposition
- prehension
- premise
- premonition
- prenotation
- prenotice
- prenotion
- presage
- presagement
- prescience
- presentiment
- presumption
- presupposition
- prevision
- prior knowledge
- proclivity
- profession
- prophecy
- prospect
- prudence
- psyche
- psychic powers
- pundit
- purpose
- qualm
- quickness
- range
- ratiocination
- rationale
- rationality
- rationalization
- rationalizing
- reach
- reaction
- readiness
- realization
- realizing
- reason
- reasoning
- recognition
- refinement
- reflection
- regard
- reliance
- retrospect
- reverie
- rumination
- sagaciousness
- sagacity
- sageness
- sanity
- sapience
- savvy
- scrutiny
- second sight
- seeing
- sensation
- sense
- sensibility
- sensitiveness
- sensitivity
- sentiment
- sentimentality
- sharpness
- shrewdness
- sign
- sinking feeling
- sixth sense
- slant
- smartness
- smarts
- solicitude
- sophistication
- soul
- soundness
- spark
- speculation
- spirit
- standpoint
- stocktaking
- study
- subjective evaluation
- suggestion
- supposition
- surmise
- susceptibility
- suspicion
- sympathy
- tact
- talent
- tangibility
- taste
- telepathy
- telltale
- tendency
- tenderness
- the force
- theorem
- theorization
- theory
- thesis
- thinker
- thinking
- thought
- trip
- trust
- twist
- understanding
- urge
- valuation
- vibes
- vibrations
- view
- vision
- warmth
- warning
- wavelength
- what it takes
- wind
- wind change
- winds
- winds of change
- wisdom
- wit
- wits
- word association
- worriment
- worry
- wrinkle
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019