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Antonyms for imprecision
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : im-pruh-sahys |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌɪm prəˈsaɪs |
Definition of imprecision
Origin :- 1803, from assimilated form of in- (1) "not, opposite of" + precision.
- As in inaccuracy : noun error, erroneousness
- As in ambiguousness : noun vagueness
- The local term in doraghie is apparently the same heard in Ticonderoga--the imprecision of writing Indian making the difference.
- Extract from : « Personal Memoirs Of A Residence Of Thirty Years With The Indian Tribes On The American Frontiers » by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
Synonyms for imprecision
- ambiguity
- blunder
- cloudiness
- corrigendum
- deception
- defect
- doubtfulness
- equivocation
- erratum
- exaggeration
- fault
- howler
- imprecision
- inconclusiveness
- incorrectness
- inexactness
- miscalculation
- mistake
- murkiness
- nebulousness
- obscureness
- obscurity
- slip
- solecism
- typo
- uncertainty
- unclearness
- unfaithfulness
- unreliability
- wrong
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