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Antonyms for eat heart out

Grammar : Verb
Spell : hahrt
Phonetic Transcription : hɑrt

Definition of eat heart out

Origin :
  • Old English heorte "heart; breast, soul, spirit, will, desire; courage; mind, intellect," from Proto-Germanic *khertan- (cf. Old Saxon herta, Old Frisian herte, Old Norse hjarta, Dutch hart, Old High German herza, German Herz, Gothic hairto), from PIE *kerd- "heart" (cf. Greek kardia, Latin cor, Old Irish cride, Welsh craidd, Hittite kir, Lithuanian širdis, Russian serdce "heart," Breton kreiz "middle," Old Church Slavonic sreda "middle").
  • Spelling with -ea- is c.1500, reflecting what then was a long vowel, and remained when pronunciation shifted. Most of the figurative senses were present in Old English, including "intellect, memory," now only in by heart. Heart attack attested from 1875; heart disease is from 1864. The card game hearts is so called from 1886.
  • As in lament : verb to mourn or grieve deeply
  • As in mope : verb pout, be dejected
  • As in sorrow : verb be very upset, grieved
  • As in begrudge : verb wish that someone did not have
  • As in bewail : verb cry over, lament
  • As in brood : verb agonize over
  • As in crave : verb desire intensely
  • As in deplore : verb regret; condemn
  • As in agonize : verb suffer or cause another to suffer
  • As in envy : verb be jealous of another
  • As in fret : verb worry, be annoyed
  • As in grieve : verb mourn, feel deep distress

Synonyms for eat heart out

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019