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Antonyms for candled

Grammar : Verb
Spell : kan-dl
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkæn dl

Definition of candled

Origin :
  • Old English candel "lamp, lantern, candle," an early ecclesiastical borrowing from Latin candela "a light, torch, candle made of tallow or wax," from candere "to shine," from PIE root *kand- "to glow, to shine, to shoot out light" (cf. Sanskrit cand- "to give light, shine," candra- "shining, glowing, moon;" Greek kandaros "coal;" Welsh cann "white;" Middle Irish condud "fuel").
  • Candles were unknown in ancient Greece (where oil lamps sufficed), but common from early times among Romans and Etruscans. Candles on birthday cakes seems to have been originally a German custom. To hold a candle to originally meant "to help in a subordinate capacity," from the notion of an assistant or apprentice holding a candle for light while the master works. To burn the candle at both ends is recorded from 1730.
  • As in scrutinize : verb examine closely
  • As in check : verb inspect, examine
Example sentences :
  • While the boy rattled among canned goods and candled eggs to see if they were fit for a four-minute boil, Sandy turned to George.
  • Extract from : « The Call of the Beaver Patrol » by V. T. Sherman
  • Sometimes a lot of eggs is candled several times and the bad ones removed, before it reaches the last dealer who handles it.
  • Extract from : « Our Domestic Birds » by John H. Robinson
  • Separators should be carefully "candled" — placed in front of a light and looked through.
  • Extract from : « The Automobile Storage Battery » by O. A. Witte
  • These he candled in his house cellar and began selling them to a limited trade in the wealthy section of the city.
  • Extract from : « The Dollar Hen » by Milo M. Hastings

Synonyms for candled

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019