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Antonyms for bloody

Grammar : Adj
Spell : bluhd-ee
Phonetic Transcription : ˈblʌd i

Definition of bloody

Origin :
  • Old Engish blodig, adjective from blod (see blood). Common Germanic, cf. Old Frisian blodich, Old Saxon blôdag, Dutch bloedig, Old High German bluotag, German blutig.
  • It has been a British intensive swear word since at least 1676. Weekley relates it to the purely intensive use of the cognate Dutch bloed, German Blut. But perhaps it ultimately is connected with bloods in the slang sense of "rowdy young aristocrats" (see blood (n.)) via expressions such as bloody drunk "as drunk as a blood."
  • Partridge reports that it was "respectable" before c.1750, and it was used by Fielding and Swift, but heavily tabooed c.1750-c.1920, perhaps from imagined association with menstruation; Johnson calls it "very vulgar," and OED writes of it, "now constantly in the mouths of the lowest classes, but by respectable people considered 'a horrid word', on par with obscene or profane language."
  • The onset of the taboo against bloody coincides with the increase in linguistic prudery that presaged the Victorian Era but it is hard to say what the precise cause was in the case of this specific word. Attempts have been made to explain the term's extraordinary shock power by invoking etymology. Theories that derive it from such oaths as "By our Lady" or "God's blood" seem farfetched, however. More likely, the taboo stemmed from the fear that many people have of blood and, in the minds of some, from an association with menstrual bleeding. Whatever, the term was debarred from polite society during the whole of the nineteenth century. [Rawson]
  • Shaw shocked theatergoers when he put it in the mouth of Eliza Doolittle in "Pygmalion" (1914), and for a time the word was known euphemistically as "the Shavian adjective." It was avoided in print as late as 1936. Bloody Sunday, Jan. 30, 1972, when 13 civilians were killed by British troops at protest in Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
  • adj bleeding
  • adj hard-fought
  • adj (used as intensifier)
Example sentences :
  • The attack of the castle and the defense of it were equally fierce, bloody, and desperate.
  • Extract from : « Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates » by Howard Pyle
  • All this time we were living, as it might be, on a bloody battle-field.
  • Extract from : « Ned Myers » by James Fenimore Cooper
  • The motion and the cry were too sudden for words to interrupt his bloody intention.
  • Extract from : « The Last of the Mohicans » by James Fenimore Cooper
  • Robin, jolly Robin, he buys a jest dearly that pays for it with a bloody coxcomb.
  • Extract from : « Maid Marian » by Thomas Love Peacock
  • No, he's Federal, Confederate or guerilla as it may suit his bloody ends.
  • Extract from : « The Cavalier » by George Washington Cable
  • No doubt if Feversham gains the upper hand there will be bloody work.
  • Extract from : « Micah Clarke » by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • On the floor around it were fragments of smashed glasses and bloody stains.
  • Extract from : « The Cruise of the Dry Dock » by T. S. Stribling
  • He was always asking me when I meant to run away and be "a bloody pirate."
  • Extract from : « The Harbor » by Ernest Poole
  • I had had the jolt that I needed from life—its agony and bloody sweat, its mystery.
  • Extract from : « The Harbor » by Ernest Poole
  • I've taught it to Ninian, but he persists in calling it the Bloody Awful, which is low.
  • Extract from : « Changing Winds » by St. John G. Ervine

Synonyms for bloody

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