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Antonyms for aboutface
Grammar : Adv, noun, verb |
Spell : noun uh-bout-feys, uh-bout-feys; verb uh-bout-feys |
Phonetic Transcription : noun əˈbaʊtˌfeɪs, əˈbaʊtˈfeɪs; verb əˌbaʊtˈfeɪs |
- accord
- achievement
- advance
- advantage
- agreement
- aid
- approval
- assistance
- authorization
- bill
- blessing
- boon
- boost
- calm
- concurrence
- confirmation
- contentment
- continue
- corroboration
- deactivate
- deactivation
- decrease
- develop
- do
- dollar
- enforce
- expedition
- failure
- fix
- front
- furtherance
- get better
- go ahead
- good fortune
- good luck
- grow
- halt
- happiness
- harmony
- help
- hold
- identical
- idleness
- improve
- inability
- inactivity
- keep
- leave alone
- lose
- maintenance
- make well
- meet
- miracle
- miss
- order
- peace
- persist
- preservation
- progress
- quiet
- ratification
- reaffirmation
- remain
- reserve
- restoration
- same
- sameness
- silence
- similarity
- stability
- stagnate
- stagnation
- stay
- stop
- straighten
- success
- top
- uniformity
- withdrawal
- wonder
Definition of aboutface
- As in vice versa : adv with the order reversed
- As in reverse : noun opposite
- As in setback : noun disappointment
- As in shift : noun switch, fluctuation
- As in switch : noun change, exchange
- As in transformation : noun complete change
- As in turn : noun revolution, curving
- As in upheaval : noun major change
- As in variance : noun difference
- As in vicissitude : noun change
- As in retraction : noun recantation
- As in change of heart : noun altered attitude
- As in volte face : noun position change
- As in change : noun something made different; alteration
- As in metanoia : noun conversion
- As in palinode : noun retraction
- As in recantation : noun retraction
- As in regeneration : noun conversion
- As in retractation : noun retraction
- As in transfiguration : noun change
- As in transmogrification : noun change
- As in transubstantiation : noun change
- As in conversion : noun change, adaptation
- As in alteration : noun change
- As in about-face : noun complete change
- As in flip-flop : noun change of mind
- As in reverse : verb turn upside down or backwards
- As in revert : verb return to an earlier, less-developed condition
- As in shift : verb switch, fluctuate
- As in turn : verb reverse; change course
- As in backpedal : verb backtrack
- As in backtrack : verb backpedal
Synonyms for aboutface
- 180
- 180 degree turn
- abjuration
- abnegation
- about-face
- abrogation
- accommodation
- adaptation
- addition
- adjustment
- advance
- again
- aim
- alter
- alteration
- alternate
- alternation
- amendment
- angle
- annulment
- antipode
- antipole
- antithesis
- apostasy
- argument
- back
- back up
- backpedal
- backpedaling
- backset
- backslide
- backtrack
- backtracking
- backwards
- bath
- bend
- bias
- blow
- blow hot and cold
- born again
- bottom
- bottom out
- bow
- branch
- break
- budge
- call off
- capsize
- cataclysm
- catastrophe
- change
- change gears
- change in direction
- change of course
- change of direction
- change of heart
- change of mind
- change position
- changeabout
- changeover
- check
- circle
- circuit
- circulation
- circumvolution
- clamor
- come back
- comedown
- commotion
- compression
- conflict
- contention
- contra
- contraction
- contradiction
- contradictory
- contraposition
- contrarily
- contrariwise
- contrary
- contraversion
- converse
- conversely
- conversion
- convert
- convulsion
- cook
- corner
- correction
- counter
- counterpole
- curve
- cycle
- decline
- defeat
- defection
- deflection
- degenerate
- delay
- denial
- depart
- departure
- deteriorate
- detour
- detract
- development
- deviate
- deviation
- dial back
- difference
- difference of opinion
- different strokes
- difficulty
- digress
- direct
- direction
- disaccord
- disagreement
- disaster
- disavowal
- disclaimer
- discord
- discrepancy
- dislocate
- disorder
- disowning
- displace
- displacement
- disruption
- dissension
- dissent
- dissidence
- distortion
- disturb
- disturbance
- disunity
- diverge
- divergence
- diversification
- diversity
- division
- do up
- double
- double back
- doubleback
- drawing board
- drift
- eruption
- evaginate
- evert
- exchange
- explosion
- face about
- fall back
- fall off the wagon
- far from it
- fault
- ferment
- fixing
- flection
- flexure
- flip side
- flip-flop
- fluctuation
- flux
- fork
- forswearing
- gainsaying
- go back
- go backwards
- growth
- gyration
- gyre
- hark back
- heading
- hem and haw
- hindrance
- hitch
- hold-up
- hook
- impediment
- in reverse
- incline
- incongruity
- inconsistency
- innovation
- interchange
- inverse
- inversely
- invert
- lapse
- loop
- metamorphosis
- metanoia
- metasis
- mid-course correction
- misfortune
- modification
- modulation
- move
- move around
- move backwards
- move over
- mutability
- mutation
- mutatis mutandis
- new ball-game
- new deal
- novelty
- nullification
- obstacle
- on the contrary
- oppositely
- other side
- outbreak
- outburst
- outcry
- overthrow
- overturn
- overturning
- palinode
- passage
- passing
- permutation
- pirouette
- pivot
- policy change
- progress
- progression
- proselytization
- qualification
- quirk
- radical change
- react
- rear
- rearrange
- rearrangement
- rebirth
- rebuff
- recalibrate
- recall
- recantation
- rechannel
- reclamation
- recoil
- reconstruction
- recrudesce
- recur
- redirect
- refinement
- reformation
- regeneration
- regress
- regression
- relapse
- relocate
- remodeling
- remodelling
- removal
- remove
- reneging
- renewal
- renouncing
- reorganization
- repeal
- replace
- reposition
- repudiation
- reshaping
- resolution
- resolving
- resume
- rethink
- retrace
- retract
- retractation
- retraction
- retreat
- retrocede
- retrograde
- retrogress
- retrogression
- retroversion
- return
- reversal
- reversal of fortune
- reverse
- reversed
- reversement
- reversion
- revert
- revision
- revocation
- revolution
- right-about
- roll
- rotation
- round
- second thoughts
- see the light
- separation
- severing
- shakeout
- sheer
- shift
- shifting
- ship
- shuffle
- shunt
- shy away
- sidetrack
- slip
- slowdown
- spin
- spiral
- sport
- stir
- stirring
- strife
- stumbling block
- substitute
- substitution
- subvert
- sundering
- surrogate
- swap
- swap places
- sway
- swerve
- swing
- swirl
- switch
- switch over
- switch-over
- switchover
- tack
- take up where left off
- temblor
- tempering
- tendency
- tergiversation
- the opposite way
- the other way around
- throw back
- transfer
- transference
- transfiguration
- transform
- transformation
- transit
- transition
- translation
- translocation
- transmogrification
- transmogrify
- transmutation
- transplace
- transpose
- transposition
- transubstantiation
- tremor
- trend
- trouble
- tumult
- turmoil
- turn
- turn about
- turn around
- turn back
- turn over
- turn the corner
- turn the tables
- turn-around
- turnabout
- turnaround
- turning
- turning around
- turnover
- twist
- twisting
- U-turn
- uncertainty
- underside
- unharmoniousness
- unsaying
- upend
- ups and downs
- upset
- upside down
- upturn
- vacillate
- variance
- variation
- variety
- vary
- veer
- veering
- verso
- vicissitude
- volte-face
- waffle
- wheel
- whip
- whirl
- whole new ballgame
- wind
- winding
- withdraw
- withdrawal
- wrong side
- yaw
- yo-yo
- zigzag
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019